Basically the Pimp Named Slickback of Linux distributions.
I have peepee doodoo caca brains.
Basically the Pimp Named Slickback of Linux distributions.
Kamela Harris: *judo CHOP* Your point has been rendered invalid, for you are incapacitated… Captain President, away!
So let’s be frank here: Nancy Pelosi’s Democrats need to die in a fire. The old guard must be set aside and a new team should take their place by spearheading the direction of the party.
Get ready for…
These powers combined, maybe YOUNG people won’t be so disgusted by the democrats. That’s right, young people. That’s who the republicans were targeting. Get the millennial vote by making the Super Friends here a reality.
But nope, that would be too daring, too risque, too sexy - for the democrats. We gotta wheel out Schumer and exhume Dianne Feinatein to prop her up with duct tape in the house of representatives.
It’s the only way… to lose again lol
Real men end up in my office for 30-45 minutes straight being yelled at like I’m some 80s police chief.
You’re a itchy trigger finger, and I swear to God I’ll have your ssh keys on my desk if you push to production again. Now get out… and don’t let the door hit you on your ass on your way out!
…yes, that’s what I said. But sign them locally. Do not put your private key on Protons service. Sign and distribute pub keys locally.
Probably should have clarified.
Also, paid IMAP/SMTP makes Proton a freemium service. Thought I should just underline that.
This is why you sign and encrypt the contents of email. If the recipient doesn’t have the public key, they can’t read the content.
Allowing a service provider to “handle your keys” is tantamount to letting the fox watch the henhouse.
Proton doesn’t provide IMAP/SMTP access for free accounts, so you won’t be able to encrypt emails locally.
This ultimately is the tech version of “trust me bro”. This means you are as secure on Proton as you are on GMail, depending upon how you use the service.
No, I’m sorry. Zionists gotta project everywhere, now that people in the mainstream are aware of what’s truly happening.
…well, is he wrong? Exploiting kids is the most lucrative endeavour. In fact, if we’re going by piece meal and not lump sum, young people are a fat wad of cash.
So of course you knew we need to take every musical art form and turn it into sensory overload on stilts, because money.
Your little crotchgoblins are a path to your wallet.
That exactly it. M$ execs look at this stat and probably go “we need to make it more unsecure, for the shareholders - of course.”
All of you are children. Both the democrats and republicans are liberals. Dems are neo, republicans are classical - though half of those people also want to mix and match with nationalism. There’s something that you should know tho: liberalism is slightly right from centre, i.e NOT left-wing. That’s Yee olde US McCarthyism goal post moving at its best.
When it comes to outrage machines, the oldest one in memory is the Daughter of the confederacy, who were pro-slavery almost a century after the civil war. They put up all those confederate statues and help to put into place a lot of parcel feminist laws, i.e Hillary Clinton Karen laws, to protect them selves from the darkies, but eventually, as another judicial dog and pony show in the cirucs that is US legislature, because of course it’s been spilling over to law FOR OVER A CENTURE - heck, almost one and a half by now.
This outrage btw is also what allowed the US to carpetbomb Latin-American economy and is arguably the biggest reason why the cartels have so much power.
So yeah, outrage laws are dumb, and McCarthyism is one of the dumbest outrage cultures in the history of outrage cultures.
It’s just a bunch of liberals going “BUT MOOOOOOM, my ideology is the good one! These other ones are bad and we should ban them.”
About a century of liberalism has proven that liberalism, wether neo or classical, is for idiots and nationalists who don’t want to come out as nationalists, who want to curb any other political movement - which makes the term “liberalism” the most abused marketing term for the past 300 years.
“It’s about individualism!” I.e economic isolationism, nuclear family, anti-collectivist (or collectives that don’t hold political power that is - i.e nepotism), and let’s not forget the economic and psychological warfare they’ve committed to for so long.
But socialist, socialists are obviously the problem /s
Signed an ex-social democrat.
In some cases, that’s still not possible for m, although my personal laptop that I use daily runs Fedora Atomic.
But I also recently reinstalled another laptop with Windows 11, promptly stripped the whole thing of all kinds of apps and services, installed a bunch of audio software, libraries, etc, to prepare a machine to be show worthy.
When the day comes and Ableton ports Live to Linux proper is when I will forego a bulk of my VST’s, but running it under wine for real-time purposes is not reliable at all - so eh. There’s Bigwig, but I got like years of Max patches that I just can’t live without, and I don’t need just a DAW. In fact, if you ask me to leave Live, I’ll tell you to fly a kite.
Same issue it’s always been, unfortunately, that vendors do not support the Linux desktop. Go bother the vendors about platform supoort. I do, frequently. In fact, time for another ticket - and this one is going to be political.
Thanks for the reminder.
So I’m trying to figure out a way to jip Microsoft. We’ve already got a way to activate windows for free, but LTSC images need to be available - because that’s where we get away from Microsoft’s bullshit.
Unless Microsoft removes access to DISM and gp, we’ll still be able to cut off that “always online” limb.
Such is writing policy. Mayhaps it needs to be reformed down the line as well.
Public-private key signing, using up to date cryptography. That’s it. It’s also “quantum safe”, because all cryptography used by the public goes through peer review processes.
Microsoft as well as Meta have contracted Whisper Systems, but there’s no way of guaranteeing that the signing process is functionally working or if it’s been broken. If it’s run server side, you have no clue. If it’s run client side, there’s still a question if the process hasn’t been tampered with in some way.
Remember: there is no such thing as cryptography with a backdoor. At that point, it’s just a secrets system.
By all means. After Apple has painted themselves in a corner, when the legislation has been loophole proofed, that’s when Apple gets hit in the face with the Brussels effect - like a big, floppy, dong slapped across Steve Apple’s mouth in every country out there.
I’ll do a dance for every country. I’ll do a shimmy for Botswana, a conga for Japan, a shake for Sebia, etc, etc.
Slap! Other cheek. Slayap! Other cheek! And so on and so forth.
This is probably the best approach. You could pass thru relative USB ports and even a GPU to do things on the Windows VM that you can’t do in Wine.
But how does that work? Isn’t windows rigged to discover if you’re running it in a VM to go “sowwy :( but this is an enterprise feature. Money please~!”
You know, it probably is the time to ask myself: who is the bigger evil? Microsoft or Apple?
I’ve boycotted Apple products for so long that I can barely remember my white clamshell MacBook… my special little boy T_T I miss it.
But anyways, maybe if I can’t find a way to make Windows stop being a little bitch I might have to consider moving to a Mac :(
Unless Ableton ports live and max to Linux, in which case Fedora Atomic go brrrr.
A bit more involved indeed. It’s not like I didn’t try. The goal was to get it as good or as close to the performance you get in Windows.
Again, if you’re just using a mouse and keyboard to compose music, that’s okay, but you’ll put pressure on the Live engine buffer and most likely suffer dropouts - or buffer overruns - as soon as you add a little bit of processing. Juxtaposed to windows, that well runeth dry real quick.
Realtime MIDI and audio is even harder, because getting midi signals from several USB devices cleanly into wine is not as cut and dry as you’d think. There’d need to be some kind of pass thru on the kernel level to really get some of these MIDI devices working. Perhaps even pass thru of USB audio interfaces might be the ticket. But as is? NGL, kind of limited… and useless for me :/
EDIT: I was using the TKG version of wine, but this seems slightly better… might have to give it a retry. Good thing I left 200GB empty at the end of my SSD :P
Because the only way to escape an exploitative system is to become an exploiter…