My use case is to access text and link content on a web page anonymously over Tor without getting blocked by Cloudflare.
My use case is to access text and link content on a web page anonymously over Tor without getting blocked by Cloudflare (such as when browsing warez sites).
I tried it before finding imgsed but each instance had issues loading images past the first page of a user’s profile. But I will check back occasionally
lists of other alternative front-end services or projects that i (also) have not vetted:
“A web extension that redirects YouTube, Twitter, Instagram… requests to alternative privacy friendly frontends and backends.” - the list they use. - extension (source)
list of some instances - (source)
a list of projects, with some other stuff on it too
Oh yeah, complete with no explicit emotion. The reddit alien was smiling.
The advantage Kitty-chan holds is her lack of a mouth. The reason for this is summed up best by Yuko Yamaguchi, the current character designer (meaning “boss”) of Hello Kitty:
“[She doesn’t have a mouth] so that people who look at her can project their own feelings onto her face, because she has an expressionless face. Kitty looks happy when people are happy. She looks sad when they are sad. For this psychological reason, we thought she shouldn’t be tied to any emotion – and that’s why she doesn’t have a mouth.”
The power of Hello Kitty’s interpretation now extends a layer deeper, beyond our idea of what she represents into our idea of what she is feeling. This gives her life in our minds, in a way that “mouthed” cartoons can’t. What Mickey Mouse is feeling at any given moment, not counting his situation or environment, can be clearly seen through his mouth. Hello Kitty, lacking this feature, could be feeling anything at any time! And thus whatever we may be feeling can and probably does get transferred onto her face.
Another longtime JD user here, I’d love to hear what your reasons are for each of these!
Cheers! I’d like to pass on this info though, for anyone who enjoys both like myself:
Caffeine drinking potentiates cannabinoid transmission: interaction with stress effects - Neuropharmacology 2009
Our data suggest that the cannabinoid system is implicated in the psychoactive properties of caffeine and in the ability of caffeine to reduce the pathological consequences of stress. Chronic caffeine assumption sensitized GABAergic synapses to the presynaptic effect of cannabinoid CB1 receptor stimulation by exo- and endocannabinoids. The synaptic effects of caffeine were slowly reversible after its removal from the drinking solution. Furthermore, although exposure to caffeine for only 24h did not produce measurable changes of the sensitivity of cannabinoid CB1 receptors, it was able to contrast the down-regulation of CB1 receptor-mediated responses after social defeat stress.
I copied the rest from, just the relevant bits. Also added the links to the studies and the pages with additional descriptions.
- Low levels of caffeine can help to maximize the effects of THC, but too much caffeine can lessen the impact of your cannabis
- Caffeine and THC can both increase dopamine levels, but too much at once can trigger anxiety, agitation, and paranoia
What Happens When You Smoke Weed and Drink Coffee?
Since coffee and cannabis may offer so many health benefits on their own, you might think it’s safe to assume that enjoying a little bit of weed with your coffee would be okay. The reality is … it might be safe for most, but not for all. Here’s why.
THC and coffee can boost the amount of dopamine in our systems. Although dopamine can promote feelings of happiness and euphoria, too much of it at once can trigger anxiety, agitation, and paranoia. In addition, both caffeine and THC can both increase your blood pressure and heart rate.
This is why many doctors advise that those with heart conditions and those at risk of heart arrhythmia or stroke, should not mix caffeine and THC. So, if you’re new to mixing coffee and cannabis, it’s important to consult your doctor to make sure it makes sense for you. If it does, begin with lower amounts of coffee and cannabis than you would normally consume on their own. Then if needed, you can increase your dosage slowly.
Back in 2014, a study was conducted to measure the effects of mixing caffeine and cannabis on squirrel monkeys. The results of this study were published in the Journal of Neuroscience. (also described here)
The monkeys were given the ability to self administer cannabis whenever they wanted. All they had to do was to pull on a lever. When the monkeys were given low doses of a substance similar to caffeine, they seemed less likely to reach for the THC. But, when they received high doses of caffeine, they seemed to reach for that lever more often.
Then in 2018, a study led by Marilyn Cornelis at Northwestern University’s Feinberg School of Medicine seemed to back up these findings. This time, the study examined the effects of mixing cannabis and coffee on humans. It found that the more caffeine people consumed, the less cannabis their body was able to metabolize. (also described here)
So, although small amounts of caffeine can help your THC go a long way – too much caffeine can lessen its effects.
Thanks! Excited to check these out
Salient point. Dont get me wrong, I use FF reader mode all day long and I sing its praises to all who will listen. But I am using this to access content over Tor when cloudflare would otherwise prevent me from doing so.
I would not recommend for anyone to feed all their browsing to a third party in a way that can easily be tied back to them, but I am using this tool to overcome a specific obstacle when I encounter it and not otherwise.
Maybe I should have described this scenario more completely at the start of my post 🤷