i was in the same predicament with my asus Zenfone. they quietly removed the unlock tool from their website while i owned the phone :/
I’m currently on a Sony Xperia with unlocked bootloader and I’m shopping around for an os
i was in the same predicament with my asus Zenfone. they quietly removed the unlock tool from their website while i owned the phone :/
I’m currently on a Sony Xperia with unlocked bootloader and I’m shopping around for an os
my 2013 ThinkPad plays YouTube just fine : )
roll out 😎
i just had another hdmi cord fail yesterday! what a good design :/
shes listing to the starboard side
yeah i don’t see why excluding rumble would be a deal breaker. is it an immersion thing?
ruff ruff!
*pisses pants nervously before turning into a wolf
right before the used car market exploded i got my manual Subaru for $3400 when it was worth about 10-12k because of a misfire. yeah it just had the wrong spark plugs in it :p and it’s about as dumb as they come. it has a radio, abs, and cruise control - no other driving assists or telemetry
but then it’s re-enabled every time you have to sign in :p
i don’t mean to be argumentative but i haven’t seen many pennies become corroded. also copper pipes in houses I’ve worked on have held up really well. I’m pretty sure a copper water line is more likely to oxidize via galvanic corrosion instead of moisture.
buttons on a controller seem to be at much lower risk of corrosion with respect to pennies, water lines, etc.
I’m pretty sure finger oils would prevent oxidation. i don’t think it would be a big problem?
'ol mate wade! he works on cars too on his channel ‘garbage time’
yeah :/
u can use something like “moron” instead
d u h
cinnamon is so uhh default in Linux Mint and i like it