Got my little brother (12) to run Minecraft on Linux mint,
Got my little brother (12) to run Minecraft on Linux mint,
Firefox is good privacy wise, but does not have sensible default. Also there have been times when mozilla have made not so promising statements.
For true privacy enthusiasts see
Makes me remember how greeks made a rule to give capital punishment only after sleeping over the decision.
Same ol Adobe and Microsoft products
Clickbait as always
Microsoft … Non profit.
I don’t see alignment of interests.
Don’t even need AI. Basic audio editing works.
Morally bad but legally allowed. Scam as old as history.
Trump would be prez and no longer need it.
Maybe trying to discourage reselling market because of high demand and low supply. Similar to graphics cards, except nvidia does not do anything
Look no further, learn yt-dlp
What’s the link?
Do medium articles work?
Well if that’s the argument then they are also not gonna notice the M1 or M3 under the hood. Both chips are pretty good.
Heck even an older Intel chip should work fine in 2023 under those workloads.
Apple is the proof Marketting >> Quality.
They sell the premium dream making the user think it’s the best.
The land of Free
Also the creator can remove the comments he wants.
MDN for non javascript/frontend programming?
LOL, I pay 20 $ equivalent in India for a year with 500gb + cellular data on 4G and unlimited calls and SMS .
Internet prices are fucked up in west.