“Never delete an email”. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
“Never delete an email”. Pepperidge Farm remembers.
Wasn’t it headed by David Spergel who is an astrophysicist? https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Spergel
It’s 3 plus/minus 1 sigma
Yes! Excellent advice!
I am a big fan of RSS and have been using it as my primary source of info for at least a decade.
I actually already had SBS but only just now realised that ABC pages (eg “just in”) can be entered directly and it’ll find the RSS version (using Reeder at least).
Do you have advice about how to centralise/organise RSS? I use Feedly as a cloud source that I point Reeder at (have also been playing with Fiery Feeds). But I can’t help but think there’s a better way that doesn’t involve a third party (again, privacy).
Thank you. That’s very helpful.
And yep, https://www.abc.net.au/news is exactly one of the sites I was thinking of. I notice their app makes many calls to firebaselogging-pa.googleapis.com and similar. Sending who knows what.
Moving to the web version I’m hoping can blunt such things. On iOS I use AdGuard, Hush, and StopTheMadness. https://d3ward.github.io/toolz/adblock.html tells me I’m not doing too bad in terms of ads and tracking.
Two others which are pretty bad with their apps but have very similar webpages:
I guess my question was if webpage versions of apps can/typically use Google analytics-type tracking of what you’re doing.
And more specifically if Safari with private relay, perhaps with some extensions, can hide anything such webpages are trying to scrape.
Sorry, my bad. I thought this was a petition OP had set up. And not Mozilla themselves to protect Firefox. Sleep deprivation :(
Why the focus on Firefox? Why not just say “browsers”?
I remember they had a space invaders type game for it, written and run IN 1k RAM!! Just amazing.
Who remembers the Sinclair ZX-80 with a massive 1kb ram?!
I don’t know about the OP, but our first computer was a TRS-80 clone with a tape drive, 16k ram, and stunning 64x16 B&W graphics. Every month dad would drive us to computer club, we’d copy as many games as we could (onto tape), then spend the rest of the month trying to get them to work. Rinse and repeat. It was awesome.
Also typed in basic games from the computer mags which needed lots of debugging. How I learnt to program (before being taught Pascal in high school).
The iPhone 5 was released 2012 with iOS 6. The throttling for old devices was introduced in 2017 with iOS 10.2.1. That’s a big gap.
Let’s be fair here. Your phone was 5 years old and trying to run the latest OS. If it’s too slow for you, sticking with an older OS version or upgrading to a new phone is probably good advice.
Did you have one of these phones? Because I did. I was one of those that experienced this controversy first-hand.
Most people complaining I’m guessing have very little direct experience with Apple products. Although maybe you do and just have different expectations that 5 year old tech should work the same as a new phone. We still have an iPhone 6 and the original SE in the family. My high school kid uses a 2011 MacBook Air with no problems and I have a 2014 MacBook Pro as a backup laptop for work. These devices last a long time.
Where they did fuck up is not explaining what they were doing, and the slowdowns were probably more impactful than they expected.
I know I’m going to get downvoted to oblivion here, and people love to hate on Apple. But this was in response to older phones with old batteries sometimes not being able to keep up with the demands of the latest iOS and features and unexpectedly shutting down. So they would “dampen” the demands to keep them running.
We want to keep our old phones forever but we also want them to do the stuff that the latest phones can do. Something has to give.
This is litigation culture run rampant.
Yep agree. Even if it’s super reasonable now, just wait until they’ve got everyone. It’s the enshittification of the auto industry.
I thought we were just basically training google’s image recognition AI by selecting the squares it asks etc. Nothing to do with security (in practise).
Just want to say, thanks for making aussie.zone such an awesome and well run place!
I’m not sure if that’s true. You know, it’s Google. Every keystroke in your gmail email is analysed, so can’t imagine gboard is any different to them.
Rutherford 💕. We game him a dorky name because he’s a total dork 🦜
Body and odour. It’s a new deodorant line.