amazing how property rights depend on who own the property…
try to violate a mega corp’s property right lol
and remember folks, deny the parasite profit and engagement. don’t fund your oppressor.
amazing how property rights depend on who own the property…
try to violate a mega corp’s property right lol
and remember folks, deny the parasite profit and engagement. don’t fund your oppressor.
no self respecting crack head would pay the rate haha
what street?!?!
25g of saw dust in 75g of beef = 100g of beef.
math checks out sir!
Look at that taxpayer money protecting all that private property of an oligarchy who is shitting on the working folk.
Cute little regime they got going for themselves
As with everything else big tech touches…
Benefit is for them first, always
There is nothing they can do legally besides ban you going forward. Unless you actually stole something
Grocery stores crying about theft after firing clerks and replaced them with self check…
Fuxking idiots won’t connect the two dots because paying people money for work is fucking cancer to the parasite.
They work similar to captchas… They are not there for your benefit. They are there to make a corpo parasite feel like they are doing a thing.
You can refuse the check and there is really nothing they can do beyond banning you.
If you didn’t commit a crime and they try to detain you, they gonna have a fat law suit against them. So they won’t really bother to do anything.
U mad boy haha
Why u mad tho?
Always have
Drug busts are always valued at inflated prices too…
Just classic bad faith behavior by the state to justify oppression of the working people
Damn boy you really love the taste of leather in the morning…
You are over loaded on corpo koolaid, why are you shilling for the enemy?
Sundar is that you, u old creep?
Extra data points for parasites to use against you
Mozilla has been taken over from within by google parasites…
Frankly its days are numbered and we will need a solution how to keep the engine development going.
Well besides forcing you to ID your self by showing sundar the creep your buthole finger print
Bootlicker spotted
If you are using chrome… They deff know who u are ;)
All that taxpayer money wasted on this clown show…
Gonna upload some more Linux isos today
uKraiNE DiD iT