Good chance this is illegal. Though it varies wildly, many jurisdictions have implied warranties of habitability that require your landlord fix stuff while giving you a legal path to withhold rent or pay for repairs in lieu of rent when they don’t.
Good chance this is illegal. Though it varies wildly, many jurisdictions have implied warranties of habitability that require your landlord fix stuff while giving you a legal path to withhold rent or pay for repairs in lieu of rent when they don’t.
Yeah some folks in here are clearly out of touch with the capabilities of the average consumer.
I knew this day would come [gently pats 15 year old mumble server].
…they just make you do manual registration if you use third party toner
Man, if only we had a word for disabling critical features in this way.
Powerpoint, obviously.
I successfully ran a modded java minecraft server for me and my friends for years on an ancient thinkstation with a xeon E5430 (quad core 2.6 ghz w/ddr3 ram) doing double duty as a NAS. That old xeon couldn’t carry your i5’s jock on single core performance, which is your main concern. As long as you’re not running huge kitchen sink packs with giant complex bases I think you’ll be fine.
It’s because the first few generations of DRM were extremely poorly implemented. My og kindle keyboard still works and will ignore the DRM (that would be locking me out of, for example, a library book after its due date) if you just change the file extension to one of the DRM free file types. It will also then let me distribute that ebook to others without restriction.
Any model from any major brand made in the last 10 years off craigslist?
With that kind of spec I, don’t know what you’re expecting—anything that turns on will be able to do that.
The discontinuation does not eliminate the ability to drag and drop files onto a Kindle; it simply removes a method that facilitated piracy by transferring older retail book formats via USB.
Err, what? So it’s only going to block certain file types?
This is like when science does a study on why people eat cake and find out it’s mostly because it tastes good. Everyone already knew that, but guess it’s nice to have the paperwork in order?
Also how to title a post.
I suggest reading the article.
I reckon, given the extent of voluntary submission to constant surveilance from corporations and the continued march deeper into oligarchy, that it’s only a matter of time until platforms that aren’t explicitly anti-privacy are going to be reframed as extremist and dangerous as a part of the global political conversation. Perhaps this will end up being the leading edge of that.
Guy selling something says buying it will make your, mother-in-law stop visiting, your kids smarter, and your dick longer, more at 11…
Apparently there are still people who don’t know that international justice is and always has been an aspiration.
In practice the only war crime that has ever mattered is losing.
19 million people in states where the outcome was a foregone conclusion. In the six states that flipped the difference was less than 80,000 votes.
//edit: Ok I was being flippant with this reply after my annoyance with another thread about this same thing. I didn’t even really stop to process just how dumb that 19 million number is. Are we supposed to believe that 19 million people didn’t vote for Harris after voting for Biden, but since the Actual difference in outcome was only about 6 million votes that Harris found 13 million other people to show up and take their place? Seems pretty fucking unlikely considering that the overwhelming majority of people who don’t vote aren’t registered and never vote.
Yeah, someone should tell the guy at the bar checking IDs to piss off too. And what’s with these fucks at the pharmacy demanding to see my medical license. They shouldn’t be hassling me because someone else might be writing illegal scripts.
Fair enough. Not temps then.
It would not surprise me in the least to find out a big heatmonster like those X3D chips will hit throttling temps at idle if the CPU fans stop spinning. Probably within seconds of booting. Can you check the actual clock speeds of the cores at idle/load? See if you’re geting anywhere close to your 5.whatever ghz.
Whatever you end up doing immediately after you finish setting it up, throw some files on it you don’t care about and practice breaking and reassembling your RAID a few times before you put anything important on it. You want to understand the basic process before things fail.