Then I guess it’s my bad thinking you were trying to show 100 gigabit plans
None of those plans actually do reach 1gbps though, you kinda proved their point with your link
Other accounts:
@subignition (dead?)
Then I guess it’s my bad thinking you were trying to show 100 gigabit plans
None of those plans actually do reach 1gbps though, you kinda proved their point with your link
The article you linked describes plans reaching up to 1000Mbps (1Gbps).
That’s only 2% of the speed of the theoretical 50Gbps maximum OP’s article discusses (and 10% of the 10Gbps real-world speeds currently available in China according to the same article). I think you have your units mixed up.
Fuuuuuuuuuuck that
// this increments i:
i = i+i---i;
Very odd for that to happen so abruptly. I’m sure the juicy details will come out sooner or later…
This is dumb as hell, it needs to not happen at all or at the very least be opt-IN.
This is disgusting. I hope Musk steps on a Lego, loses his balance, then falls down stairs for three full minutes as if in an uncomfortably long Family Guy skit.
Reverse image searching could have probably turned up a better quality copy. :c
What the hell is wrong with the font in that image? It hurts… did someone content aware scale it?
In case anyone is unfamiliar, BigMacHole is a joke account.
Hobbyist myself so no worries! Git is one example of source control / version control software. You normally have your local working copy of a repository and then a remote where you push your changes when they are finished or to share them with others.
What makes you think a server was involved here? It was a local repository, evidenced by the reporter’s bewilderment that files can be deleted without going to the Recycle Bin first. Which tells us that in addition to VCS, they were unfamiliar with Windows as well.
That’s definitely fair, creating a repository in a non-empty directory could definitely suggest auto-committing the current state if it doesn’t already. I don’t use VSCode so I wouldn’t know.
Although now that I think about it, that could have been the intention here but not automatic, if that’s why 5k+ files were staged without the user explicitly staging them. Extra tragic if that’s the case.
It’s changes from the prior commit in the repository, which, if they had not committed anything prior, would have been an empty directory.
This is perhaps a good lesson in teaching version control as its own concept rather than “streamlining it” by bundling it with an editor.
yes. I’m not even that smart of a person but i’ve been coming to the realization that the average has been dropping for my entire lifetime
Razors are a high theft item so I believe the argument is this style of packaging makes them harder to steal
5 to 7 honestly. There needs to be more pressure on companies to actually execute on their ideas instead of sitting on them for years
At the very least they need to invest in server side anti cheat. If that’s not viable they should be obliged to adequately moderate their game.
If you can’t accept business plans that make a little less profit to include sufficient human moderation to avoid heavyhanded kernel level anti cheat - you shouldn’t be in the fucking publishing business, you greedy weasels.
Bad title. The article examines whether specifically noise-cancelling headphones may be involved in listening issues.