I hope this was your reaction https://youtube.com/shorts/0fG5QzT5sKs?feature=share
Hello I’m Steve. I’m working on [email protected].
I hope this was your reaction https://youtube.com/shorts/0fG5QzT5sKs?feature=share
There is zero chance I’m flashing a bios from a third party company onto my Steam Deck in order to install a different screen.
Nobody, absolutely nobody should trust that idiot with your ID.
Elon figured this move out pretty quickly.
I have been laughing at this for a good few minutes and I know I’m going to remember tomorrow and laugh again.
I have still never bought this reasoning. A far better approach would be to propose an ActivityPub 2.0 as an RFC.
When can we can get Seaman for free?
I’m gonna be cracking out the popcorn for this one.
40fps @ 720p is absolutely fine for me but I need decent shadows, textures and anti-aliasing or it just looks really rough.
Frame pacing is also super important. It has to feel smooth and not inconsistent.
As soon as they reported that the plan with ads was making them more money the fate of the basic plan was sealed. This combined with the money grab with household sharing means my Plex server is getting a lot of use 🌝
Yeah, that’s the one! 😄
Hey, thanks for linking to my podcast! 😄
I can’t believe Nintendo beat them 😅