The problem with Edge is the tracking. Their recent scandal proved that you can’t trust anything from Microsoft once again. Also Vivaldi and Brave are more feature rich, FOSS (except Vivaldi’s UI) and overall better in my opinion.
The problem with Edge is the tracking. Their recent scandal proved that you can’t trust anything from Microsoft once again. Also Vivaldi and Brave are more feature rich, FOSS (except Vivaldi’s UI) and overall better in my opinion.
How do I comment r/comedyhomicide on Lemmy? Is there any alternative?
YouTube music ReVanced exist. I also use xManager for Spotify.
Except for games I use FOSS on my Linux desktop and on my Android phone. The FOSS alternative is often better than the proprietary software.
Look like you can enable slashed zero via stylistic set in cascadia code EDIT: Why tf did I get a downvote? It’s literary in the README on the GitHub page linked!