I’m a non dev and non IT worker but found myself using warp the last year on mac and linux kde for home things and work. I really like it particularly its history per tab and various intuitive usability things like click and drag to select text , copy pasteetc. The login requirement did creep me out, as well as the AI things I’m not using. I don’t trust businesses going in these directions. Anyone recommended another terminal cross platform (not that important i guess) and good for a non uber techie like me?
Edit: apologies I hadn’t seen the earlier comment thread but perhaps my requirement mentions will produce some interesting replies.
If we have to pay for access to something we then don’t own, we may as well do it as a collective. So public libraries. Librarians in my country and city are excellent curators and, information and topics on display are more interesting and less insulting than what a pyramid scheme’s algorithm thinks I should ‘buy’ next. They’re often topical, relevant to our local community and timely. Libraries and librarians have a vested interested in books being good for us, and the service being useful to individuals and community, which goes beyond physical books also as you say. Amazon is in a race to the bottom with total disdain and disregard for readers, authors and probably even the sellers.