The Tate shitheads are dual UK-US citizens. They didn’t go to the UK because they’re already wanted there. It’ll be fun now if the Brits try to extradite them from the US and the Trump administration interferes…
Fleddit in June 2023.
The Tate shitheads are dual UK-US citizens. They didn’t go to the UK because they’re already wanted there. It’ll be fun now if the Brits try to extradite them from the US and the Trump administration interferes…
I have a Boox Palma 2 - their cellphone-sized thing that doesn’t have a cellular radio. I love it. They’re more expensive than kindles, though, since they’re not subsidizing their cost with ebook sales. I haven’t actually tried jailbreaking a kindle so I can’t say how good an experience that would be, but you could probably pick up a kindle of some description on the used market for dirt cheap to try it out.
Run software they don’t approve of. Like alternate reading apps that don’t need you to pipe everything through an Amazon account, read formats they don’t support, etc.
This is why I have an Android e-ink device. I can put the kindle app on it for anything from their shitty walled garden, but I also can put pretty much anything else I want on it too.
Honda is better off without them.
Burn Stellantis to the fucking ground.
Sounds like him living 1,000 miles away is a good outcome.
Yeah, I’m fine with touchscreen for infotainment and navigation shit - as long as they give me a physical volume knob. HVAC and lighting and such should all be physical switches/buttons/knobs.
I’m using the Google news webpage, without fail it shows me horoscopes and sports every day no matter how many times I tell it that I’m not interested.
I wish they’d let me block entire topics, though. I don’t ever want a horoscope but it puts that shit in front of me every single day.
I recently switched my laptop to Fedora 40’s KDE spin, and like it a lot. I look forward to upgrading.
Your post inspired me to pull my old PS3 Slim off the shelf and give it a shot. Fortunately it is one of the ones capable of custom firmware. I successfully jailbroke it and am now running custom firmware, next I just have to figure out how to do anything useful with it, lol.
I just replaced a drive today that has been running 24/7 for the last 5.18 years. It hadn’t failed yet but was in a predictive failure state due to the amount of bad sectors it has accumulated. 3 other disks in the same giant raid array are showing some bad sectors but not enough to be over the ‘replace me now’ threshold.
I think the ones in that lot were sitting there waiting for recall work to be done before they could be delivered to suckers customers.
They charge fast when the battery is fresh and healthy. When the battery health gets shitty the software automatically switches it to slowly trickle charge to preserve it, although you can go into the settings and re-enable the previous fast charging.
My SE is currently at 75% of its original battery capacity. I put it on at 8AM this morning after charging it all night, tracked one workout during the day and it is now almost 10PM and it is at 16% charge and dropping fast.
Schadenfreude intensifies
I’m guessing it has 3GB of ram and 256MB is being eaten due to being shared video memory.
Now that gaming is effectively a solved problem thanks to Proton, Adobe Lightroom is just about the only thing keeping my desktop PC on Windows. My laptop is already running Linux. I’ve tried the FOSS alternatives but none of them fits my workflow like Lightroom. This is a me problem more so than a problem with any of these pieces of software.
Jellyfin is excellent. You can always just download it and run it on whatever you’re running your existing setup on and give it a try. The server’s available for a bunch of platforms.
Hey, thanks for the Wolfenstein code! I’ll get to see for myself how bad Youngblood is… (I redeemed the Windows one).