Why tf would anyone run a random shell script on their machine? You don’t even need an RCE anymore you just need a dumb ass on social media.
Why tf would anyone run a random shell script on their machine? You don’t even need an RCE anymore you just need a dumb ass on social media.
Unpopular opinion but ubuntu.
You will eventually run into an error you have never seen before and and someone using ubuntu has already solved it and posted it online somewhere.
Does anyone have a non-paywalled source?
Did I miss something? There’s so much awesome labor action going on in 2023
Software engineer here. I’ve literally had to make that choice. The answer was no. He treats his workers like shit, underpays a ton compared to the industry standard, and constantly engages in union busting
Even without the moral issues I wouldn’t work for him.
Technology has and will always be awesome…… unless it’s in a society that is structured in an inherently exploitative way.
eMacs has entered that chat
Alright so anyone have any recommendations? For me to buy their games of course
Whenever I use gnome I install the material-shell extension. I love the tiling.
When I try to have movie nights with friends I’ll jus take the file, open it with chrome; and share my chrome screen on discord. For some reason that works for me.
Lemmy already has a karma system
Lol well that’s moderately terrifying
I haven’t seen it, but now I’m even more excited to
Lib gen https://libgen.li/