“Better to be king of the ash pile than have to listen to Tom in accounting talk about his goddamned shitheap of a boat again on Monday.”
“Better to be king of the ash pile than have to listen to Tom in accounting talk about his goddamned shitheap of a boat again on Monday.”
At that point, why give the nazi fuck any browser usage? If you don’t trust the source, don’t trust the product.
Like the other person said, use Ungoogled Chromium. I use it on a couple of my devices and it works pretty well.
I fear the day my 2014 hp LaserJet dies. There won’t be a decent printer on the market…
2/3 of Americans were ok with it though :(
Right? What could go wrong by mixing business and government?
I also advocate for the initial array index to be .5 to be equally annoying to programmers and mathematicians alike.
why even work from home.
The freedom of not wearing pants at your desk
I was going to say file indexing, but surely that runs in the background.
Assuming indexing is enables, yes.
The bigger headline is “Skype hasn’t been dead this whole time”
Maybe just maybe, people are ok with gore/porn when they’re expecting it, but don’t like seeing it when they’re not?
I don’t use meta garbage and have been on the Internet long enough that I regularly saw gore videos as a teen because I hung out on 4chins all the time. I’m not averse to gore, but I still don’t want to randomly see that shit in my feeds.
Also, well adjusted people generally don’t feel good when they randomly see gore and shit…
I’ve been considering putting graphene on my pixel for a month or so now, I’m just in tech and have a shit load of MFA entries in multiple apps that don’t sync anywhere, and I don’t have the energy to redo all that shit at work when I barely have enough time to do my normal shit…
I used to live rooting and throwing custom rooms on my phone, but I’ve been out of that for a decade and don’t have a usable spare device to test/use as a backup.
Another thing that helps is to answer and immediately mute your line so the caller only hears an empty line. Spam dialers hang up and eventually mark the number as invalid, and most people who are real callers will prompt with a hello or something. I did that for a while before I got the Google call screen, which cut it down even more.
I’ve gotten a lot less spam calls since I started using the Google assist call screener. I get legitimate calls that hang up because my idiot ops guys can’t listen to the recording and say what they need to when they call me direct instead of my office redirect line, but it also seems to chase off the spammers if they know their AI has to get through my AI to even have a chance at trying to scam me, since I’m a harder target than average.
At one point they were one of the cheapest places to buy used textbooks, no idea what garbage they do now.
It’s skip logic all the way down
*Billions of accounts. Hard to tell how many are real people and how many are just slop throwing bots.
Lol, the java server is dogshit slow, it just doesn’t show until you have a big enough map if you’re not running mods. I played on a semi-public server and was a mod back in the day, and wed regularly have to do world resets because it started slowing down when people got far enough away from the spawn. Hell, even with mods it doesn’t start to slow down immediately, it waits until you’ve done a lot in your world before it starts chugging like dad after work.