I’m not surprised. Didn’t Donald Trump used the Oval Office once to promote some… ketchup or sauce or something, and was paid for? I mean it denigrades the station of the office, but does he really care?
I’m not surprised. Didn’t Donald Trump used the Oval Office once to promote some… ketchup or sauce or something, and was paid for? I mean it denigrades the station of the office, but does he really care?
Oh I suffer from that daily. Yeah it’s very annoying.
LOL, I know, right. It’s just downright dyatopian
Not if you have control over the hardware and firmware. But I suppose open sourced versions will happen one way or another.
Somebody better tell Sony about this. I’m sure they want to cash in from their patent being infringed.
:p /s
The dreaded future of advertising is here. Next step, in your face as you do your daily stuffs.
This one became real dark when the Russians shot the Azerbaijani flight. This video was released days before that tragedy, no?
This I don’t trust the US legal system but it’ll be very funny if the Sandy Hook parents win.
I wish you the best of luck with your endeavours!
Makes sense. Sometimes only once out into reality then only we’ll know if it is a great idea, or not. But it doesn’t hurt to have the tools to try. Those who want really high quality stuffs can go to the humans (and pay them good money) to make it even better.
Yes I think this one was the one I saw. It was… Sigh. Disappointing?