pretty good assessment honestly. Those on topic niche communities are why I joined and loved reddit in the beginning.
Soup is good food You made a good meal Now how does it feel To be shit out our ass And thrown in the cold like a piece of trash
pretty good assessment honestly. Those on topic niche communities are why I joined and loved reddit in the beginning.
is there nottheonion on Lemmy yet? because this belongs on there. jfc what a time to be alive
so the granddaughter of Destiny? I’m confused
wow what are they farming in the (clearcut and burned) Amazon? why shouldn’t we single out animal agriculture?
they aren’t just metal though, emphasis on the ‘progressive.’ they are incredibly prolific and bend genres
I like to go with morally bankrupt piece of shit loser
you lighten up on the animal exploitation maybe?
maybe he’s angry for other reasons and the weed is a coping mchanism, like all addictions that people have in a toxic system
so lease deez nutz
humans do bad stuff and have actually done bad stuff to each other for a long time, why are you drawing attention to one insignificant bad thing that some humans did to other humans? Do you see how useless and dismissive that sentence was?