computational linguist more like bomputational bimgis

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Joined 11 months ago
Cake day: April 2nd, 2024


  • For a lot of English speakers, the “had” and “have” in contractions is completely omitted in certain contexts. It’s more prevalent in some dialects (I’m in the south US and it’s more common than not). Usually “had” is dropped more than “have”.

    Also, English can drop the pronoun, article, and even copula for certain indicative statements. I think it’s specifically for observations, especially when the context is clear.

    looking at someone’s bracelet “Cool bracelet.” [That’s a]

    wakes upsigh Gotta get up and go to work…” [I’ve]

    “Ain’t no day for picking tomatoes like a Saturday.” [There]

    “No war but class war!” [There’s]

    “Forecast came in on the radio. Says there’s gonna be a hell of a lot of rain today.” [It said -> Says/Said]

    “Can’t count the number of Brits I’ve killed. Guess I’m just allergic to beans on toast.” [I; I]

    “House came tumblin’ down after the sinkhole opened up” [The]

    “I’d” can be “I would”, mainly if used with a conditional or certain conjunctions/contrastive statements (if, but, however, unfortunately). Also when preceding “have” – e.g. “I’d have done that”. Because “I had have” doesn’t make sense, nor does “I had <present tense>” anything. “I’d” as in “I had” is followed by a past participle.

    “I’d” is usually “I had” otherwise, forming the past perfect tense. But in “I’d better”, it’s a bit confusing because “had better” is used in a different sense – the “had” here comes from “have to” (as in “to be necessary to”) and can be treated as both a lexical verb and an auxiliary verb. “had better” is a bit of a leftover of more archaic constructions.

  •*deleted by creator*
    7 months ago

    It would be a pain for developers, but firefox and chrome using a gig of ram to view webpages and play videos is horrendous even with isolated design.

    That can’t be helped. Hard to explain well without knowing how much CS you’re familiar with, but basically in order to guarantee security/user safety you have to sandbox each tab (basically running an entirely separate container program for each tab which constantly checks for illegal memory access to prevent it from being exploited), all separately running their own interpreters for javascript/typescript, HTML, CSS, all of which are very resource intensive (mainly javascript/typescript). There’s not really any getting around this, no matter how well you design your browser.

    Now, theoretically, with the growing popularity/advances in WebAssembly, and increase in usage of frameworks/graphics APIs like WebGPU, you could completely get rid of that sandboxing and completely get rid of the extremely slow javascript and html/css, in favor of completely using safe, compiled Rust programs. There’s active research using versions of WASM which only accept completely safe code (mainly safe Rust code) so using memory bugs generated from user error to access data in different tabs becomes impossible (aside from potential unaddressed bugs in Rust itself obviously) and you don’t need to sandbox each tab – the program practically sandboxes itself. Then you could potentially have browsers with thousands of tabs perform perfectly fine, assuming each of the websites is programmed competently.

    But that’s not going to happen, because billions of users rely on HTML/CSS and JS, and it’s not pretty to transition away from. Getting rid of it would be like getting rid of pointy shoes, or getting rid of US Customary Units in the US, it’s just not happening no matter how much benefit it would bring to users. It’s not so much of a browser company issue as it is everyone ever would complain and potentially trillions of dollars of damage would be done. Also frontend web devs can barely punch out a “hello world” program in JS so there’s no way most of them are gonna be touching Rust or Haskell or something.

  • I’m gonna let you know right know, Lemmy isn’t the place for alt-right nutters who had disgusting enough views to get banned from Reddit of all places (a pretty conservative community in general) for being too right-wing. Lemmy is literally a gradient of full-on communists to centrists that at least agree we should have basic social welfare. Even the prominent conservatives here aren’t openly vehemently anti-lgbt and anti-social welfare like American conservatives usually are.

    Lemmy isn’t exactly politically extremist, but even the relatively right-wing-friendly Lemmy instances (like world) look communist compared to Reddit

  • Trap is a slur, especially used often by weebs. Describing gender non-conforming characters who look feminine as “traps”, including many canonically non-binary and woman characters, is pretty fucked up when you think about it. To them, “traps” and genderqueer people in general are sex objects, not characters with respectable identities. Most of the weebs that throw that word around are also the ones to do trans erasure, like denying that a character is transgender or otherwise gender non-conforming, instead treating any character implied not to be AFAB as a man; and then often ironically going crazy defending it as “not gay” because that’d be bad – there’s a reason “traps aren’t gay” is a meme, and it’s an unironically defended position by these people. They convince themselves it’s not gay by reducing queer people & characters down to sex objects, things to masturbate to, rather than people. If you don’t see them as an equal person, it’s not gay or immoral, is how they process it. Obviously they won’t say that explicitly if you ask them though, they’ll just say it’s not gay because being attracted to things that look like women is straight or something.

    That’s why it’s used a shit ton in, you know, porn. Not just hentai, but actual real porn. Usually in place of “bitch”, “whore”, or some other word used to dehumanize women. They’re used in the same derogatory manner. It’s pretty disturbing when men use “bitch” or “whore” to refer to women and female characters, it’s dehumanizing. And it’d be pretty disturbing to well-adjusted people if someone described anyone feminine genderqueer as “a trap”, but this is a slur that weebs are fine using amongst themselves.

    This problem is made worse by the fact that generic animes started to play into this, that is, they created “trap” tropes (with a lot of objectified/token otokonoko or josoko characters popping up because weebs like it).

    You would think those people wouldn’t equate anime characters with real people, but this mentality transfers between fiction and nonfiction unfortunately. Often times the way you feel about character identities in media is representative of the way you feel about the identities of real people – just look at the backlash of the gamergate people about the woke “ruining games and movies” by putting minorities and women in them.

    Now, I’m not saying everyone who’s ever used the word “trap” is a bigot or anything. People use words without realizing the way others see it, and the impact it has. I used it in my weeb phase. But undeniably, “trap” is a derogatory word and a slur used to objectify queer people, and it always has been – it originated in 4channers & internet weirdos getting mad over trans people being at gaming events, posting pictures and labelling them “traps” (“they’re trying to trick you into thinking they’re a woman to trap you into having sex with them, when they’re really not a woman”). It’s no different than other slurs for queer people (like “fag” or “sodomite”). It’s harmful and shouldn’t be used. Persistence on using it shows a lack of respect for (or just plain ignorance of) genderqueer people and their identities.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devaverage day in NPM land
    7 months ago

    Web bloat in a nutshell and why we need to switch to things like Web Assembly more than ever. It’s not WASM, but I used Laminar which is a Scala.js library, and it’s the absolute pinnacle of (frontend) web development. Scala in general is just really great for idiomatic web code, its flexibility is unbeatable.

    Another amazing alternative would be anything Rust. In fact I’ve used that much more than Scala for web. I’ve mainly used Leptos for full-stack and and Actix for backend, but I’ve seen Dioxus and Axum in good use and they both seem really great too.

    Apparently Lemmy uses Leptos for its UI so… that’s a +1.

  • sparkle@lemm.eetoProgrammer Humor@programming.devBrace Style
    8 months ago

    I am a Scala and Rust fan. I can corroborate what you said

    The part about no semicolons/curly braces I like in Scala is that I can write a function and it’ll look virtually indistinguishable from a regular ol variable. Functions become much less of a ritual and integrate more nicely with the rest of the code. Other than that though, Rust definitely wins out because of the curly braces & semicolons. I use curly braces in most situations in Scala where I’d normally use them in Rust, and I would use semicolons everywhere in Scala if it weren’t considered unidiomatic. Whitespace-significant syntax is just really annoying to deal with. Using Python or even maybe F# makes me want to die because I keep accidentally missing an indent somewhere or indenting too much somewhere else or using the wrong kind of whitespace and the entire program implodes. At least Scala and Kotlin keep it sane

    Also it’s just way harder to visually organize in whitespace based languages. You basically have to do a bunch of magic tricks to make the code look slightly different in a specific scenario than what the language wants you to. Rust allows you to actually visually organize your code easily while also having a strong style rules which you shouldn’t stray too far from (or else the compiler will yell at you).

  • Ummm what? Kamala was the top prosecutor of the largest state in the US for like 7 years, on top of actually knowing her shit unlike Trump, and being 2 decades younger than him, she would absolutely tear Trump apart in a debate. Trump knows this obviously, which is why he’s started avoiding debates and will probably run away from debating until election day.

    Then there’s the fact that J.D. Vance has been probably the Republicans’ worst VP pick in recent history. Nobody likes him, he’s uncharismatic and has pretty much no relevant skills. He’s already seeing some of the lowest approval ratings of any VP candidate by Republicans. He wouldn’t survive a debate against someone like Josh Shapiro or Andy Beshear. The good thing here is that Harris can pick out of a lot of people who could humiliate Vance for her VP pick, who also bring with them key swing states.

    Trump’s campaign is on high alert because they know they have no real defense against a Harris campaign. They’re scrambling to find some sort of misleading rhetoric that will stick and run with it as quickly as possible, but right now their entire position is basically just “DEI hire, she’s a woman, her parents are foreigners, she was a prosecutor so surely she hates black people almost as much as we do” and they know that isn’t going to work for long. The only real thing they really have against her is her pro-Israel position, but it’s pretty easy to point out that Republicans are obsessed with Israel too so it’s not exactly foolproof.

    Of course Trump is having meltdowns. He’s a womanizing, racist and anti-immigrant felon running off of anti-queer rhetoric, who hasn’t achieved anything as a politician and is now the oldest nominated presidential candidate in American history; up against a young (relative to him) prosecutor who’s a mixed-race woman with immigrant parents, who can actually point to major positive things she’s done for this country despite having some flawed beliefs being “tough on crime” in her past. Plus she’s actually willing to do what Biden (and other politicians) weren’t willing to do and actually attack the worst parts of the Republican agenda, including Project 2025. His entire platform is based around his persona and being snappier and more energetic than his opponent, but that’s thrown out the window now. He’s terrified because what was before an easy election has suddenly and unexpectedly become an uphill battle, and he was thrown in completely unprepared with a shitty VP.

    I can’t say for sure that Harris will win. But I can say for sure that Trump’s mental state is absolutely devolving into despair and anger currently.

  • Drug addiction is a disorder most often caused by some sort of pressure to do drugs. It’s almost never a path someone chooses to take just because. And, obviously, it takes extremely long and an extremely good set of circumstances to escape, you can’t just choose not to have a drug addiction suddenly. “Having a drug addiction some time in the past is his fault so it’s not dystopic that he can’t get basic healthcare” is an extremely ignorant take.

    Should diabetes treatment not be accessible to all because a lot of diabetes is partially caused by lifestyle either? Or rather, is your argument that in a capitalist world – which can’t exist without an underclass and people too poor to afford many basic necessities – it’s fine that people who can’t afford healthcare just get fucked and rack up a bunch of debt from the hospital and (in the case of the US) can’t get treatment from doctors/specialists for anything that isn’t immediately life-threatening? It’s okay for there to be a class of humans “undeserving” of healthcare at all?

    I just want to gauge the line for how much healthcare inaccessibility/insecurity there needs to be, or who can be excluded, for you to accept that it’s immoral and causes unnecessary human suffering and misery.

  • Honestly I hate the fact that browsers’ default CSS exists. The person doing the frontend should have to specify their “default” CSS before the website even loads. I say this as both a user and a programmer, the same website shouldn’t look different or break on different browsers unintentionally due to the browser’s CSS, and I as a developer shouldn’t have to rely on reset sheets to try to patch that.

    Everything would be better if it were swapped around, instead of picking out a reset sheet for a site you pick out a default style…

    The world would also be better if browsers rendered pugjs/slim and scss/sass and those were the default rather than html and css but I digress…