Now it works wonderfully :D
Now it works wonderfully :D
Yeah, I was able to see it in firefox, but then I can’t register for it ;)
Hmm doesn’t seem like I can get to the preregister page in the austrian google play store @[email protected]
maybe, at least it’s something to consider :) Now nothing wrong with liking the language if you do though :) just talking about my misgivings with it.
I was excited by rust, back when it used sigils instead of box and other keywords, it was an exciting language, I had some fun with it, but it wasn’t ready yet, so I went having fun with some of the languages in its family (ocaml, F#) And when I went back to rust some years ago to write a little tool for myself (https://codeberg.org/sotolf/tapet-rust) to try it out, and it was really cumbersome, and ended up rather slow. I really don’t like the rust syntax, and yes, that is kind of shallow, but there are so many bad choices, like a ; not being there rather than a return, it just doesn’t work for me. Error handling is decent, just that it’s syntactically cumbersome unless you use a package like anyerror, there are packages, so many packages, and what you wanted to make that is just a small tool now has 2 Gb + of build artifacts. I later found out about nim, and rewrote the tool in it, and got a more stable faster tool in a 3rd less code (https://codeberg.org/sotolf/tapet-nim) And the way to work in nim just fits me so much better.
The thing about the rust pushing people (They are funnily enough mostly people that haven’t really used it for much yet, but went into the hype) is not that they are exited about a language, sure I can get that, it’s the way they are pushing it, they talk down about other languages, demand people rewriting things in a language they are exited about, I don’t like the slow compilation and the huge stuff. It’s just not me. Don’t get me wrong I know it’s a good language, just too low level for what I (and most people really) need and it getting pushed for places where it’s not really suited, I don’t really think it’s a good thing. There is also this push for cleverness in their libraries and code, and cleverness in code is always a red flag to me. So it’s not you rust, it’s me.
I’ve been using it for 2 years or so, mostly for hobby programming, and I really love it, it’s been great for the kinds of things that I do at least :) Feels great and logical to write, and it’more or less works the same way my mind does, the type system is really good think something like Ada, and it can be both a pretty low level, and high level langauge. YMMV, but I really like it personally.
Aww, the hype got to ya… yeah, seeing it again and again, at least don’t do like everyone else who are starting to shill for the language without even having tried it. I’m just tired of rust activism, so tired.
For me it depends on the size, for small stuff like 1000-2000 lines of code that mainly I just work on alone, something like python is okay, if it is something longer, I miss types a lot.
The thing is nim is more than just a typed python, it just works really well, I’ve had a lot of fun with it the two or so years that I’ve used it.
But then again, I have a lot of fun testing out different languages, and don’t care about marketability, since I’m just programming as a hobby, and not as my profession, right now I’m playing around with picolisp, and it’s pretty fun :)
I was using python for quite a bit, but don’t like how cumbersome their types are, I really fell in love with nim when I was looking for alternatives, it’s an underdog, but personally I really like the langauge.
Picture of A wildlife photographer marked “The rest of the church” taking pictures out of the frame towards a text marked “Women getting abortions” While prominently in the backgrounds there are two rhinos fucking, the fucker is marked “Priests” and the fuckee “Children”
“When you call someone and they don’t answer”
A picture from a successful NASA mission, where people are celebrating Everyone are smiling and people are hugging.
Thank you :) I got curious, so I researched it, and was thinking maybe others might want to know as well :)
A reporter asked the spokesperson from the WHO about Taiwanese membership and the guy was just pretending he couldn’t hear her (Probably due to China being a big player in the WHO)
4 Panel comic taken from when a reporter Yvonne Tong asked Doctor Alyward from the WHO about Taiwanese membership in the WHO (WHO having China as a Major player) Yvonne Tong is here representing the teacher and Me is played by Dr Alyward.
1: My Teacher: Where is your homework
2: Me: I’m sorry I couldn’t hear your question. Yvonne.
3: My Teacher: Ok let me repeat the question
4: No, that’s okay. Let’s move to another one then.
The fragmentation doesn’t really matter though, as we can all read and participate in the same threads :)
That would be great yeah :)
Thank you :) Corrected
No worries :) Just transcribing for fun mostly, and as a substitute for having done it on “transcribers of reddit” for quite a while, and it’s nice to be able to help people who may need a transcription :)
I still find the ai program that infers your age based on your age pretty funny :p and it never really get’s it completely.