i’m comfortable with windows and with linux. the hardware in all these things is interesting. so you want to go with proprietary software. love you for it.
i’m comfortable with windows and with linux. the hardware in all these things is interesting. so you want to go with proprietary software. love you for it.
i meant I’ve never physically been near one of these things, specifically the Steam Deck or its competitors.
You’re not on many gaming forums then, especially not PC ones.
yeah, I’m not. i build my own, but i don’t need that toxic silly trash.
i learned when i was maybe 16, 17, you can just ask a guy who works with leather – “can you make a belt that will hold my pants up” – the dude was so confused and so happy to help me and it did not cost very much. that guy was so nice.
i haven’t even personally seen any of these things. so no, I literally can’t handle that. i’m also very annoyed buy steam and valve, in general. but windows? windows is the worst.
so you’re a windows stan, or what’s your deal?
Apple has a new event and a new phone and a new watch EVERY YEAR. aren’t we obligated to buy all this shit every year?
I want that spicy, chunky chili. but windows brings bugs and ads. windows is like getting eat up by mosquitos while the chili is thin and tepid.
Ya’ll need to calm down.
_ Tennessee only banned the practice of shackling someone while they’re giving birth in 2022, though there are exceptions to the law, like if the incarcerated person “poses an immediate and serious threat.”
_ The number of states that still allow shackling people who are both pregnant and incarcerated is still in the double digits, despite federal law even attempting to curb the practice for those imprisoned on the federal level. “Shackling is a dehumanizing, traumatic experience for the pregnant person and their baby, and this legislation is just part of what it will take to ensure incarcerated, pregnant people have some sense of dignity and respect throughout their pregnancy,” Briana Perry, co-director of Healthy and Free Tennessee, told Jezebel’s last year.
_ While it’s unclear if the incarcerated woman gave birth while shackled, it’s unacceptable that she had to go through that experience alone and without medical assistance. The carceral state continues to be inhumane.
This is inhumane and insane, so wtf is the deal
I can’t defend any of that, and I’m ashamed to say, that crap worked on me for a bit as a man barely a boy, in the 90s. What helped me was looking at other movements like scientology and Charles Manson.
Just trying to say, don’t throw someone in the trash just because they read trash.
ars technica ftw
ya think the front will tip down and point the vehicle at that cemetery fence?
hmm. most of lawyers are not in congress. BUT. most lawyers are not to be trusted.
screw you for getting it right
that should be a crime.
but… complaining about the tea virtually anywhere on earth is not advised.
well it ain’t no PG TIPS but it will make a gallon of oddly flavored water cooked in the sun, which when chilled and enhanced with fresh lemon juice and served over ice, is dope
heyyyy, a CEO put his reputation down to gamble
what is the plan for ANY electric car batteries when they expire?
most areas of the u.s. you gotta pick one, sweet or not sweet. since I rarely if ever add sugar to anything, sweet tea is to me an excuse to drink flavored sugar water. but cheaper than soda and it doesn’t go flat.
so sweet iced tea is a perverse adulteration of a refreshing yet bitter, tasty beverage. i mean, add some lemon fer real. if i’m south of certain landmarks, i know i won’t drink tea unless i make it myself.
no one has forgotten that Windows is the most popular. who cares. you’re the one yelling about windows on mobile platforms and it is the best shit ever. I still think linux is better, but it’s debatable. this is like arguing with my grandpa after he got DOS 6.0 in a box, on 3.5" disks. He thought he was the most clever of fellows. Fuck him.