Thanks. My phone is on 14 and won’t get another update, oh well.
Thanks. My phone is on 14 and won’t get another update, oh well.
latest release of android
Does that mean 15?
Saveclick: this is about Lore Harp of Vector Graphics, a 1980s microcomputer company.
Hdds were a fad, I’m waiting for the return of tape drives. 500TB on a $20 cartridge and I can live with the 2 minute seek time.
I’ve used nextcloud for this but it’s not great. I’m sure there are better alternatives.
Command line mplayer has been plenty for me.
I looked at the blurb for this and yawned. Other stuff from Humble has varied from great to crap.
I still say 4chan was ahead of its time. No handles, just a big mix of unknowns.
battle on the ice
Don’t forget Prokofiev writing the theme music and Eisenstein shooting the YouTube video.
I didn’t know that word.
glowie (plural glowies)
Media bias fact checker? Heh. Does Lemmy still have that?
Besides the privacy issue, the TOU is ridiculous. They supply a tool (the browser) and you use it. It’s not a collaboration between you and them. You can use it whatever way you want.
It says
Mozilla will collect light data on usage, such as how frequently people use the feature overall,
That says to me they want to know (among other things) how many browser users make zero use of the AI feature. To acquire that info, they have to collect it. You have to assume the worst when you see phrasing like that.
They use the term telemetry in a special way. If they are collecting info from users, that is telemetry under a different name, ok fine. Not collecting info means they receive 0 bits.
It says they’re going to collect usage data. Nothing about opting out.
So phone-home telemetry that you can’t opt out of. The ghost of Mitchell Baker will haunt us forever.
Yes but it’s a dangerous process. You should use paramatrized queries instead.
It took Intel seven years to put those earlier machines into full production, which contributed to it losing its lead to Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Co (2330.TW), opens new tab. Intel struggled with the reliability of those previous EUV models in the initial stages of production.
Um no, that’s Intel trying to shift blame for its own botched 10nm process. Did that even use EUV? I kind of recall not.
You’re saying “exploiting” user data might have been more precise than “selling”. Either way I don’t want them doing it.