But this politician sang the Deutschlandlied
Not too sure where this info comes from?
But this politician sang the Deutschlandlied
Not too sure where this info comes from?
The “Horst-Wessel-Lied”, also known by its opening words “Die Fahne hoch”, was the anthem of the Nazi Party from 1930 to 1945. From 1933 to 1945, the Nazis made it the de-facto co-national anthem of Nazi Germany, along with the first stanza of the “Deutschlandlied”. The “Horst-Wessel-Lied” has been banned in Germany and Austria since the end of World War II.
In one clip, Neumaier was seen singing the Nazi-era German national anthem along with …
I find this more so much more disturbing
And how on earth did you arrive to this arbitrary conclusion?
Of course they will gather all that data, because why wouldnt they?
But they promised…
I see what you mean but for me when I think of fake news sites, this comes to mind:
The brothers created 16 Ethereum validators and targeted three specific traders who operated MEV bots, the indictment said.
To activate 1 validator you need 32 ETH. So for the 16 validators they got, it would be 512 ETH. Prices in December 2022 for eth were around 1200$. So they “invested” in this fraud over 600,000$.
Today’s eth price is around 3000$ so they’d be having over 1.5 mil, if they weren’t that greedy
I don’t think business insider qualifies as fake news site. Does it?
The elderly have nothing to lose anymore since google accidentally deleted their pensions
I wonder how much of this 1.6 trillion is just interest that the banks charge on the actual loan.
For sure. And intersectionality would be a great tool for this conversation, if there really was one.
Why you say this the author seems legit. No?
I think it’s more of an inter-generational thing.
Again then. Sometimes it’s important not to talk about others and spend some time self reflecting. He’s not there yet. For me, the power of denial is overrated.
His narrative is hilarious. Not me, everybody else
His brain is so toxic that the unfortunate worm died of poisoning.
Ok I now see what you mean. Thanks for the link, unfortunately for some reason the video doesn’t play for me so I can’t hear it. Still in the article you linked they say he sung the nazi-era Deutschlandlied version, which includes the 2 first verses. The current version has only the third one.