For a more user friendly tiling desktop environment, you should have a look at COSMIC. It is still im alpha, but I use it as a daily driver…
For a more user friendly tiling desktop environment, you should have a look at COSMIC. It is still im alpha, but I use it as a daily driver…
On an unrelated note, don’t forget to sanitize your input.
This is why Bobby Tables mom needs her Github account suspended…
As someone that have worked in software for 30 years, and deplying complicated software, shared libraries is a misstake. You think you get the benefit of size and easy security upgrades, but due to deployment hell you end up using docker and now your deployment actually added a whole OS in size and you need to do security upgrades for this OS instead of just your application. I use rust for some software now, and I build it with musl, and is struck by how small things get in relation to the regular deployment, and it feels like magic that I no longer get glibc incompatibility issues.
Are you saying that it is common that people use utf8 characters that you cannot easily type on a standard keyboard? I’m very skeptical of this claim.
Good to know that every time I feel the need to use ALGOL 68, I must remember to disable ligatures. Still not sure this is going to be a huge problem 😂
Well, that was something… I have used ligatures in my code editor for quite a few years now, and I have NEVER been confused about the ambiguity this person is so upset about. Why? I have never ever seen the Unicode character for not equals in a code block, simply since it is not a valid character in any known language. In fact, I have never even seen it in a String where it actually would be legal, probably since nobody knows how to type that using a standard keyboard. This whole article felt like someone with a severe diagnose have locked in on some hypothetical correctness issue, that simply isn’t a problem in the real world.
But, if you for some reason find ligatures confusing, then you shouldn’t use them. But, just to be clear, there is not a right of wrong like this blog post tries to argue, it is a matter of personal taste.
Splits, ligatures tabs and more
Cosmic term is nice. Still just alpha, so there are rough edges though.
For Boomers, cars was the latest tech that everyone was fiddling with. This caused even the boomer that wasn’t very interested , to know quite a lot. For later generations, car became more of a means of transportation, and the knowledge of cars was only for specialists. For gen X, computers were the high tech thing, everyone was fiddling with. Most gen x can setup a printer if they have to. For later generations, computers are just tools, and the knowledge is only for specialists.
Producing products that the users wants, and that solves tje users real problems. And not trying to make products as addictive as possible, to harvest as much user data as possible to sell.
The problem is that C is a prehistoric language and don’t have any of the complex types for example. So, in a modern language you create a String. That string will have a length, and some well defined properties (like encoding and such). With C you have a char * , which is just a pointer to the memory that contains bytes, and hopefully is null terminated. The null termination is defined, but not enforced. Any encoding is whatever the developer had in mind. So the compiler just don’t have the information to make any decisions. In rust you know exactly how long something lives, if something try to use it after that, the compiler can tell you. With C, all lifetimes lives in the developers head, and the compiler have no way of knowing. So, all these typing and properties of modern languages, are basically the implementation of your suggestion.
It is making the tracking protection part of containers obsolete, this is basically that functionality but built in and default. The containers still let you have multiple cookie jars for the same site, so they are still useful if you have multiple accounts on a site.
Container tabs are still useful, as they let you use multiple Cookie jars for the same site. So, it is very easy to have multiple accounts on s site. this is a great starting point. Then when you got the basics, and fiddled around a bit, then you can start looking for more specialized books (like Rust Atomics and Locks )
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Well, Perl is great for small scripts that works on large texts, that you process with regex. I still use Perl from time to time, for that kind of scripts. Also commandline, instead of awk/sed…
I learend it in the 90s, and was working on a large Perl codebase 2005 and a couple of years forward. And 20 years, it still started to feel dated, and 15 years ago it was just so out dated it hurt. So, starting to learn Perl 20 years ago would not have been great :) However, the things making Perl horrible, is pretty much threre in Python also with the addition of significant whitespace… so technically, going from Python to Perl might actually be a step in the right direction… Now, if you excuse me, I will hide behinde this huge rock for a while to let the incoming projectiles settle.
You are confusing Google and Internet… they are very different things.
Hey, there is a long tradition of banning evil math… even Pythagoras did it… But, I guess he at least had good reasons, irrational numbers are super creepy and deserved to be banned.