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Joined 2 years ago
Cake day: June 27th, 2023

  • I was on-call and half awake when I got paged about a cache server’s memcached being down for the third time that night. They’d all start to go down like dominoes if you weren’t fast enough at restarting the service, which could overwhelm the database and messaging tiers (baaaaad news to say the least). Two more had their daemon shit the bed while I was examining it. Often it was best to just kick it on all of them to rebalance things. It was… not a great design.

    So I wrote a quick loop to ssh in and restart the service on each box in the tier to refresh them all just in case and hopefully stop the incessant pages. Well. In my bleary eyed state I set reboot in the variable instead of restart. Took out the whole cache tier (50+) and the web site. First and only time I did that but that definitely woke me up. Oddly enough the site ran better after that for months as my reboots uncovered an undiscovered problem.

  • Yeah this attrition is expected by Amazon. IBM and others did this earlier. If enough people choose to RTO they will do “real” layoffs and get a pat on the back in the news for not letting as many people go as they would have had to before. Optics I guess. IIRC this is the second round for Amazon.

    Some are saying companies are doing this to keep their property values up but I think that’s only one facet. What I don’t see being called out often is companies doing this are hiring replacements overseas in tax havens and/or where they can pay less for talent. Real kicker is, those hires wind up being remote anyway to the anchor offices.