I never trust meta statistics anymore because you know they’re filling out their “numbers” with bots to try and keep their stock prices up.
In terms of real users I bet bluesky has already surpassed them.
I never trust meta statistics anymore because you know they’re filling out their “numbers” with bots to try and keep their stock prices up.
In terms of real users I bet bluesky has already surpassed them.
This his honestly a hilarious article. I can’t believe the state of leadership in the US these days.
Nobody goes to get Healthcare just because they ‘want it’ but don’t need it.
No doctor prescribes things that aren’t medically necessary.
Health insurance as it exists in the US is a social cancer.
Russian oligarch dies peacefully in his sleep of old age.
Mikhail Roguchev died peacefully in his sleep last Thursday evening surrounded by his family and the heavy iron chains he had fashioned to keep him from being thrown through a window…
No, they pretended to get mad so they had an excuse to cut their workforce without having it labeled a layoff.
It’s a relief valve though. As someone who has suffered from unavailable care, black market drugs probably saved my life. I’m not terribly against adults being able to make such decisions on their own judgment.
I hate this but honestly it’s the most truly American way to handle it so I say go for it.
The same story of publicly traded companies again and again.
Your steady growth isn’t good enough.
Your growth has to grow - and if it’s not growing fast enough then you’re not doing your duty to the shareholders.
Add in the fact that we’ve let businesses get so large they empty all the air from the room and we’ve managed to enshittify our entire society.
The biscuits are amazing
Yes, of course.
But it’s okay, because line go up!
Haha oh man it’s weird to see this mentioned so many years later.
I helped organize that protest. Thanks for coming down with us!
They also make you show up to a US embassy and tell the American flag you don’t want to be friends anymore.
(only half kidding)