queue old man voice
Back in my day, people had to show receipts when they did stuff, and we used to hold people accountable.
queue old man voice
Back in my day, people had to show receipts when they did stuff, and we used to hold people accountable.
He seems like he is a Russian asset at this point as well…
DDoS attacks are illegal, but what is the legal amount of times a person can call a website? I’m sure enough people doing just a few calls per second couldn’t get a person into too much trouble. Has the law even defined the difference?
Well, it was a good run.
Thanks for your interest, but I’ll have to pass.
If you think she is filing this herself then you might want to sue your school as well!
Democrats are able to hold those who commit crimes in their party accountable, thst alone is enough difference to disqualify Republicans entirely.
Somehow, hyper inflated is an understatement…
I’m sure he will decide to put it in his own name as only he is wise enough to know how it should be spent…
It’s almost like he is trying to destroy America and its relationships with all its allies.
No hablo inglés
Family was literal Nazi’s, has been known to speak positively of Nazi policy, now does the actual salute, twice…
Yeah… your not gonna convince me man… if it looks like a Nazi and smells like a Nazi…
Why act like such a victim? Doesnt sound that bad. My 10 year old daughters stuff got searched 2 weeks ago for some squishy thing she had, dude said he couldn’t tell the difference between it and an explosive on the scanner, took less than 10 mins to search her stuff and have us on our way.
I didn’t come on here and make a whiny post, it’s part of travelling.
I watched the clip assuming this was taken way out of context, nope, he did it twice…
I ran out to Walmart to grab my kid some cough medicine. It was locked behind the cabinet and since it was later than 6pm they couldn’t unlock it and told me to come back tomorrow.
I will never go back to Walmart for medicine…
I mean, if your trying to play games in your Mac you’re going to have a bad time. Not to mention they mostly shipped em all with 8gb of ram so you’re forced to upgrade in 2 years.
LCD is distractingy loud, OLED is very quiet.
I had a LCD, and it was good, but the fan was super annoying and battery life was abysmal, and it even got a little warm. The fan was so loud it would drown out the sound of some games and was very distracting. I debated since launch about an OLED upgrade but didn’t think it was worth it till this Christmas when I decided to upgrade.
Wow, this thing is so much better. Almost silent, battery lasts waaaay longer and the screen I never expected to be saw jaw dropping. My only regret is I waited so long to upgrade.
I was just reading some news on Meta, and it certainly did happen, there is plenty of articles to prove it.
Perhaps someone should define this term racist that they keep hearing much about.
Racist :
characterized by or showing prejudice, discrimination, or antagonism against a person or people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. “we are investigating complaints about racist abuse”
a person who is prejudiced against or antagonistic toward people on the basis of their membership in a particular racial or ethnic group, typically one that is a minority or marginalized. “he has been targeted by vicious racists online”