My own classic was fiddling with the nvidia PRIME config to try and get rid of some very mildly irritating screen tearing. No graphics output at all. Now this is fixable of course, but it’s a pig.
And I’d decided to do this 2 hours before an incredibly important progress review meeting for my PhD.
Got it back with about 10 mins to spare and decided just to leave the driver config alone after that.
Bonus round
Also a friend managed to bork his ubuntu 16 laptop by trying to switch from unity to gnome and ending up with sort of neither. That was reinstall territory right there.
I mean aside from the obvious, they also try to show that insertion sort is better that bubble or selection sort by… Showing that their worst and average time complexities are the same? Just utter crap and anyone who should be writing things like this should have spotted that it’s shit.
Edit: on closer inspection that entire comparison section is utterly dire. Completely nonsensical.