it is fantastic for both lil notes and grand projects! and you can even link to those little notes and slowly evolve them into a grand projects
you can basically create a personalised Wikipedia! and Obsidian will help you with it, as it can detect when you write in plain text a word or phrase that also is another note’s title, then you just click and bam, it’s linked. And if you change a note’s title, all mentions will update too!
you can also make conspiracy boards with the canvas note type, all usual formatting works within them
it’s a great tool to keep a lot of information organised and linked together, without having to open a billion files and cross reference them (you can also open notes in split screen).
learning how to use it will only take an hour or so, and then you’ll be zooming
i’ve recently been using it to collect and organise information for a big project i’m working on, and being able to link mentions of things to bigger topics and themes as i’m doing the data collection is just wonderful, no more “(IMPORTANT LOOK HERE!!!)”
humble bundle at one point sold a bundle with the works of U K Le Guin, and since i’ve been meaning to read those, i bought it
all were under amazon DRM
i’m a big fan of being able to do whatever the hell i want with the things i buy so naturally, i got mad and looked for a way to un-DRM them, and i’m happy to say there’s a calibre plugin for that. i’m currently enjoying Wizard of Earthsea on my reMarkable