don’t forget Pinochet!
don’t forget Pinochet!
This is why I legit built my own space news app , because my autistic brain can’t handle all the crap they’ve added to pages. I just need the text, and images. I don’t need links to other articles in the body of the article! I’m currently reading this article!! and stop citing your own articles as sources!
Dumbest shit ever. let me run to the PRC for my entertainment. Like was TikTok really that good? I never used it, other than the time long ago when it was first getting traction and my coworker asked me to get into her 12 yr old daughter’s account (super easy BTW) and see what she was doing on there. surprise! nothing but 30 year old men following her and watching her doing dances. I never touched it since.
What does that even mean??
I love the joycon aspect.
But what if you live in an ugly ass place?
I mean, we are, as a society, aware that social media is just entertainment and not true communication, right? Right?
Entertainment through parasocial relationships and voyeurism. And you can have parasocial relationships with people you actually know, not just celebrities and influencers.
Doing the lord’s work
Oh wow, ok. Time to go down a rabbit hole!
Does this mean there are ps4 emulators?! I didn’t think it was possible for some reason
Yeah, I like using the online contacts when I can’t find an offline contract for the destination I want
Have you gotten Greece yet? I just started driving it this week after speed running the winter challenge lol
I remember living in them, starting at 13-14 years old. There is an entire world of hidden homeless that live in hotels, motels, etc. able to make enough to have a bed, but never enough to get out. It’s a hard life.
Echoes feels the most like a classic Zelda game to me, and is the first Zelda game to hook me since the Gameboy. So… I want more of that.
I never thought my gpu would be listed in the minimum specs for a civ in its lifetime.
check on your boomer relatives. is it just me or can any other people immediately tell an AI photo because of the lighting and Depth of field is always wrong? Like it’s always off.
I hear him on the length, but not the graphics. As an adult, it takes me years to finish a game like RDR2. But damn do I love some realistic graphics.
I’m nostalgic for Ubuntu when it still had Unity as default, and Linux mint around 2014. That’s when I began coding, and that’s the time I liked the look of them more than the current modern offerings. Plus there was more ease of customization it felt like
Oof. I feel like it’s my generation’s fault somehow, but I don’t think we’re old enough to have kids that are that old. Maybe it was gen X? But I just can’t see either melleniels (my brain can’t spell it right now for some reason) or gen x teaching that? But maybe I’m wrong. Or maybe it’s the greater society that instills it instead of their parents.
Have you been to DC? There is anti-trump and anti Elon stuff EVERY WHERE.
That’s just a tiny one I spotted on the metro last week.