Something like this would be helpful:
Something like this would be helpful:
I totally and completely blame Microsoft for this. They do so many other ridiculous things in the name of not confusing the average tech illiterate user.
Clicking a Zip file and having it transparently open and treating it like a regular folder when it is not. This. THIS is borderline criminal.
I’m not worried about this at all. I don’t use Chrome anyways. I use Brave. It has a built-in ad blocker that works pretty well and I don’t see that going away.
Supreme Court weakens federal regulators
Thank goodness!
I believe Trump should be sentenced to 4 years of community service… hard labor as the President of the United States. That should teach him a lesson.
Well, Twitter is actually based now. Before Elon bought it there were a bunch of feds working behind the scenes to censor and move the needle. When Elon cleaned house he removed a lot of that. Elon said he “bought a crime scene” basically.
Amen. I should have seen it earlier, but the API debacle told me that Reddit is run by “my way or the highway” management. And they showed they didn’t care at all about their users. I used to post spicy OC memes. Realized there’s no point in adding value to a platform that does not value it’s own people one iota.
Ever since Roku deplatformed Alex Jones I knew they were unprincipled and no good. Glad I left and never looked back.
You’re not wrong. The whole system is governed by fear. It is the operating principle by which this world operates.
Anyone that says “I’m just doing my job” living their life based on fear, and not reason. All it does is give the psychopaths running everything more power.
We need to stop being afraid. Believe it or not, it is a choice. You can wake up every morning happy, and at total peace. No matter what is happening in your life. Mind over matter, as they say.