Innocents get hurt in war.
Innocents get hurt in war.
Yes, Tesla’s safety record is horseshit, but:
They immolate people per vehicle sold than the ford pinto.
The report is that Teslas have the potential over time to be worse. 27 people died by fire in Pintos due to gas tank failure, pretty slim numerator vs. the denominator of millions sold, but it was made out to be a big deal at the time. I remember, I was there.
What a load of horseshit.
7% of US adults have been present at the scene of a mass shooting
No way in hell. I’m a gun nut, in the South. I’ve worked long hours in South Chicago. Never seen a gun fired in anger. Hell, I’ve hardly ever seen a gun in public that wasn’t on a cop. Of all the people I’ve met in my 54-years walking the Earth, I know exactly one who was shot, and he was asking for it, begging for it.
more than 2% have been injured during one
Oh FFS. So 1-in-50 Americans have been hurt? In a “mass shooting” no less?!
And let’s define mass shooting. Note the numbers from Mother Jones, not exactly a conservative rag now are they? Fine, for argument’s sake let’s go with the most broad definition. I’m not sure it’s possible to cram that many witnesses (7% of 330,00,000 Americans = 23,100,100 witnesses) around those shootings, even spread over decades.
So what were the questions in this scientific poll?
“physically present” as “in the immediate vicinity of where the shooting occurred at the time it occurred, such that bullets were fired in your direction, you could see the shooter, or you could hear the gunfire”
Likely people answering, “Yes, I’ve heard gunfire, I think, maybe.”
2.18 % of respondents said they had been injured, which not only includes having been shot, but also struck by shrapnel or trampled by people fleeing the scene or suffering other injuries as they sought to escape
Oh my fuck me with this BS. What’s sad is that people, particularly non-Americans, will read the headline, believe it, and move on without a single question.
She thinks the measles are like chicken pox, pretty much harmless to young ones. My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, that’s just how it was done before we had a chicken pox vaccine. Finally got it at 16, still have the scars nearly 40-years later. But I got my shingles vax!
She’s literally this stupid. Some things we see these nuts try to pull off make sense, from an evil point of view. This move is plain stupid, and because we’ve forgotten what measles are people will listen.
BTW, I’m 54 and just now learning what measles are and how bad it can be. I had no clue, because I’ve never met anyone that had it.
Every civilization rises and falls. We’re on the down slope ATM. Sorry. The 80s and 90s were pretty nice in America!
Fuckin’ A! Two fingers of unleaded in a pickle jar, stuff it in there. You can fit a whole TV worth of packing in a quart jar.
PRO TIP: Dry in the sun on an old cookie sheet, cut up with scissors, pack it out.
I’ll never stop laughing when Tony Stark treats Musk as a nobody.
Iron Man II, "Yeah. Later. Blown. Off. Bet Musk is still proud of that cameo.
Don’t have a working stereo in my 22-yo truck or 23-yo car. Bluetooth speaker it is!
(I don’t generally listen to anything driving. I like to chill and think about life. Which ain’t always the wise move.)
I got a tiny HP laser from an old job. Must be 15+ years old, runs perfectly and toner is $20 for god knows how many pages.
I believe that only applies to ink jet. You can hardly make secret dots in B&W.
And you will be the one deciding what constitutes hate, whose voice to cut off?
The state bar is not the state cops.
Yep. At this point just throw it on the “more evidence for genocide” pile. Israel could start up trains and ovens and I’d just say, “Yeah. Figures.”
In my little Southern US town the lights seems to work logically and traffic flows nicely, noticeably so. I’m never sitting at a light screaming, “Oh FFS turn!” or “Why did that light change and there are no cars?!”
Traffic only gets a bit thick on the main road in late afternoons. Not much to be done there, it’s a major east-west thoroughfare connecting several towns.
Have no idea how they’re doing this. Sensors I’m guessing? Seems like we’re too poor for fancy civil engineering like that and I’m sure we can’t afford what the article talks about.
Anyone know how that might work?
For anyone not in the know, if you had chicken pox you’re at risk for shingles. I’ve heard it’s shear hell and got the shingles vax.
I think you need hit a few times? I’ve done 2 in the last 2 years, no side effects. Except for, ya know, not getting shingles.
For little ones, no big deal. For teens or older, it’s godawful. Easily the worst sickness of my entire life.
My parents tried to get me sick in the 70s, never caught it. Then I got hit with chicken pox when I was 16 and it fucked me royal, still have scars. Be damned sure I got my shingles vax though!
Literally nothing in the article except what appears to be sane company policy. Of course you fire people who leak confidential company information.
Lemmy: “But it must be evil if they’re hiding it!”
Well, in FB’s case, it may well be, but you can’t run a mom-and-pop store with every communication open to the world.
FFS people, it’s no different than “don’t talk to cops”, no different. Anything you say can and will be held against you. Stunning lack of insight from such a privacy advocating community. Same people who rail against others saying, “If you have nothing to hide…”
My Filipino wife, with a strong but perfectly clear accent, gets called Indian all the time and they ask for someone American.
Error my ass. “Market research” was the word they wanted.