Cheapest 2023 Honda Odyssey available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader:
Cheapest 2023 Tesla Model 3 available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader.
Stay out of conversations when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
Cheapest 2023 Honda Odyssey available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader:
Cheapest 2023 Tesla Model 3 available within 500 miles of me on Autotrader.
Stay out of conversations when you don’t know what you’re talking about.
First of all, $42,000 is very average for a basic family car nowadays.
Second of all, with incentives and tax credits, that’s more like $30,000-$35,000 depending where you live.
Third of all, owning an EV is considerably cheaper than owning a dino-burner. No oil changes. No fluid changes. You charge at home for an order of magnitude cheaper than gas (unless you buy one of those GM cinderblock Hummers or F150s something equally stupid American). A $42,000 car with no scheduled maintenance, fuel costs, or mechanical repairs is surprisingly affordable compared to a dino-burner at the same sticker price.
Fourth of all, even at only two years old, you can pretty easily and regularly find Model 3s for sale at 50% or more depreciation from new. Add in the tax credit for used EVs and a 2 year old family sedan for $17,500 with no gas or oil changes to ever buy starts to become a pretty good deal.
Fifth of all, I cannot stress enough how completely unwilling most people are to completely reverse direction on a $xx,xxx financial commitment because it suddenly becomes a fad among internet nerds to get pissed off about it. If you people would step outside yourselves for five goddamn seconds and look at what you’re doing, I would be so happy.
Elon blows goats. Fuck up his goat farm. Don’t fuck over regular people just living their lives.
American, I see.
It’s almost as if regular people buy cars that fit their lifestyle and not their politics or something.
You can get a two year old Model 3 under $20,000.
Which is a very reasonable price for a family car in 2025.
The internet isn’t real life.
How surprised were you at the last few US elections? Tells you everything you need to know about how uninformed the majority is.
You can get them under $20,000 at 2 years old.
Sorry, I have stuff to do today. You’re just as capable of looking him up.
Ugh it’s like when Hank Green joined Bluesky and then immediately started tone policing and now all his videos are about how he’s a fragile little sad boy.
Stay in your fucking lane, YouTubers.
You mean shitposting on reddit or not caring about their agenda?
Well, you are certainly entitled to that opinion even though it’s wrong, and I do think banning you for it is also wrong.
There’s a big difference between having ideas and taking actions. Ideas cannot be allowed to become illegal. Even disgusting ones.
The correct response to unconscionable ideas is social, not institutional.
Nah, just circumvent with revanced and poison the well.
I got banned from r/politics in 2019 by replying to
We should treat Trump exactly how he treats immigrants.
What do you mean, shoot him?
Appeal wasn’t ignored. Instead, it was mocked.
So yeah I’m going to get banned. But not before I poison their AI data pool as much as I can.
Well, we do have ex post facto protection for the moment, soooo…
Yeah I have it on every device I own now.
No reason to use it ever, but it’s there. Like, not installed, but there.
Absolutely fucking not.
See, this is a reasonable use of horrible dystopian technology.
It doesn’t excuse the rest of it, though.
Paracetamol “borders on” poison, but isn’t.
Slippery slope is a logical fallacy, and there are actual consequences here. We need to do better.
They can have my ass.
If they want my money they’ll change that.
A 500 mile radius is local?