Do you know where to find the HongMeng kernel? I couldn’t find in OpenHarmony gitee.
Do you know where to find the HongMeng kernel? I couldn’t find in OpenHarmony gitee.
an app on all Android
not my android :)
BTW did anyone reverse engineer it? Or doing rn (I’m HTH)?
Or even backdoored by state actors.
People host signal proxy for countries where it is banned already. The primary impact of this law is on non technical people and new users thinking to switch to.
OpenVMS: ‘I’m in trouble’
Me reading the headline: who tf resurrected the cvs and made an android app for it
It doesn’t matter if the code is open here. Depending on what your company does, it might be cheaper to buy ready to use products by some vendor than paying software/sysadmin guys to review, deploy and maintain. It can be even required by law. Needless to say there are many software vendors selling contract for open software, either hosted or fully deployed and supported. Still in many fields like medical due to vendor lock ins there aren’t many feature complete open software and you need the programs to be reliable, usable by non technical people and virtually unchanged over long time. To provide these guarantees without depending on proprietary vendors means to make your own software company (and perhaps open up your work not to become just another closed software) and nobody does that.
Security works kinda the same. But in these contexts if someone uses privacy and security together like this it’s probably just bs.
Works ootb on fedora kde wayland.
Is your usb c dp connected to a gpu other than the one the compositor running on? Does the screen show in display settings? Setting different configurations and refresh rate works?
It is useful for internet streams though, not really for local or lan video.
Yes, except container devel (need to use ssh).
Any tech college kid can write an app in common frameworks. I’ll admit llm code generators are great when they can translate electron apps to say tauri or even better to QT at reasonable cost :)
Unless you want to increase productivity in specific field (say some kinds of software development) you won’t even need to remember anything more than cat, ls etc. In those specific usecases you’ll become habituated to the command you use frequently, nobody becomes a grep ninja on day 0.
Whenever I need something mildly complex with ffmpeg or imagemagick, the right command is just a web search away, I rarely remember syntax of these anyway. I find commands less obvious and harder to find for windows shell (technically powershell is cross platform btw), but maybe that’s because I’m not much familiar with windows-ism’
Tip: whenever you encounter a useful command syntax/one liner, save it with brief description. I find konsole’s built in quick commands quite handy, some other terminals probably have such features too. Otherwise a simple markdown list is enough.
Don’t give them idea :)
Yes that’s indeed a possibility.
That’s done locally. You can try training wake word models for any open assistant and see how much computing power it needs for even simple phrase.
It’s well possible and previously tv mic had been used as bugging device. The problem is, way too many security researchers look in system level software of iOS and even other components of the device that such practice will be too risky for apple (same applies for mainstream android products). Also processing realtime audio, finding potentially unrealiable topic from it and doing realtime ad is actually too much work as of today’s tech (might change sooner than you think though).
What, I think, is more practical is to use the whole query after the wake word to show ad, and potentially use other app tracking data, which is way much reliable than voice for targeting purpose. Voice data is useful for bugging purpose, primarily (ab)used by nation states and LE.
I bet in the medical procedure case mentioned in the blog the user searched/talked about that in other apps and average people aren’t good to notice these privacy leaks.
Wait yt premium has different rates in different countries? Anyway hosting a free to use service like youtube cost a ton in storage and bandwidth, contrary to nebula. I would rather support it as it doesn’t do DRM and other too much user hostile stuffs (I’m using free software clients for long time, no issue. I’ll continue after premium too as official client isn’t that good). But ofc first I would like to know actual budget and ad money cash flow to see if it needs help really or just a marketing tactic to pump up revenue in typical corporate fashion.
Anybody has such income-expense data source for youtube?
ad blocker detector blocker in filter list go brrr
Of course the part associating zodiac sign with personality or fate is clearly superstition.
Why is that a superstition? It is trivial to write a program to calculate corresponding zodiac sign of any particular date. It’s just a bad captcha and I don’t think most people remember/know enough to calculate in their head.
Yeah I only find this which is bit technical. Anything else seems marketing bs. Seems like they’re making something similar to fuchsia by google but with linux abi compatibility.
Having linux shim alone makes it effectively monolithic like xnu.They even claim this by saying linux shim will hold global state in this otherwise microkernel.