my friend’s dad’s brother uses arch
my friend’s dad’s brother uses arch
using linux is a slur now
Tell me you are only familiar with stuff going on with the US and nowhere else without telling me.
Actually, he does care for and enjoys the company of nazis
x86 is dead. Has been for years. You’ve been using amd64. I am not referring to ARM
x86 has been dead for years and you have been using amd64
x86 has been dead for years. y’all are using amd64. Or do y’all not know the difference?
What are you smoking? x86 has been gone for years. Y’all are using amd64.
x86 is already dead yo
edit: downvoters don’t understand they are using amd64 and not x86 lol wtf
edit 2: downvoters of this comment are computer-illiterate
Epstein doesn’t have to worry about the courts anymore
There’s a reason that a set of grifters who ran the place is nicknamed “The Paypal Mafia”.
Psycopath with little empathy
Bet you anything he has not tried plutonium. He should try plutonium. Harry Daghlian will live forever. In our hearts and textbooks.
The games I want: emacs, golang, docker, nginx, prometheus, grafana…
Elon Musk is gay!
I feel like you’re putting it down, but for the life of me, I am not picking it up. Can you please try explaining again, but slower? Use simple words. Like I’m stupid or something.
Why should anybody care about what you, a resident of the place thinks? This is how trump operates also: not caring about the residents or the people impacted.
Look at me guys! I’m satoshi!!!
Hi im the fediverse money please!