I run the midwest.social instance as well as the undernopretext.social mastodon instance
I believe anything prior to that timestamp will not federate. New stuff should.
Try select * from instance where domain = 'popular.instance';
and see the last time it was updated via the updated
column. I’ve been having to update that column with update instance set updated = now();
because once that timestamp becomes older than 3 days your instance assumes it’s “dead”.
Oh yes
Lmao, I forgot about this video. I think my favorite part of it is when he takes off in his car whistling and runs a stop sign on camera.
That’s what I use for my NAS. I remember with protonvpn you need to pull down the config file for the server you want to use and place it in the proper directory. Here’s part of my docker-compose:
- '/DATA/torrents:/data/torrents'
- '/SSD/config/transmission:/etc/openvpn/custom'
- OPENVPN_CONFIG=node-us-167.protonvpn.net.udp
- OPENVPN_OPTS=--inactive 3600 --ping 10 --ping-exit 60
- DNS=,
driver: json-file
max-size: 10m
“Do you know what foods are shaped like dicks??? The best ones!”
“We want to kill minorities” is not a difference of opinion.
Fellas, is it gay to drink lemonade?
I half agree with his gun regulation stance. While ideally there would be more caution given to who owns guns that is unfortunately not the world americans have been living in the last 80 years or so. The fascists have guns, lots of them, and I’m not giving mine up while they have them.
Everything else he said is 100% based.
No problem! I had the same issue and was losing my mind trying to fix it. It still doesn’t update the timestamp like it should automatically so I’ve been doing it myself.