What? Nebula is a paid streaming service. It’s also centralized. Peertube is free and decentalized.
They are not the same which is why Peertube is a legitimate successor to youtube and nebula is not.
Apple users love having control taken away from them so I never factor them in when giving tech-related advice.
The saddest thing is, the bad people are the ones who fight back (in their minds.)
Stockholm syndrome is a very scary condition.
You can block ads on youtube on mobile devices by using firefox in desktop mode with ublock origin.
Fuck youtube. Fuck ads. Fuck useful idiots defending either.
The competition for youtube is peertube, not another centralized platform.
It just needs content.
Power-tripping mods are the bane of the modern internet.
But unfortunately, it still is the best option for a modern day message board.
For small communities that don’t have a significant lemmy presence? Sure, for now.
I’m never going back to a community that can remove news-related posts without a modlog. That’s just asking for censorship and abuse by bad actors.
Any publicity is good publicity.
These businessmen know that.
Where’s the video?
Also downvoted for paywall.
It’s always okay to key a tesla.
It’s a cult. As with most capitalist cults, you’re only accepted if you spend money how they want you to.
Bro, I was so confused because a supercharger is an alternative to turbo for forced induction.
No it doesn’t.
And it also opens the door for training data to be obtained unethically
Ethics are subjective.
AI is just another tool of censorship and control.
Hmm, they may have changed it or I could be misremembering.
Desktop mode also allows you to play a video while your screen is off which is good for listening to music.