I’ve read it. Nothing prescribes a foss philosophy outside of Linux itself. Or for that matter a dickhead attitude to those who don’t subscribe to one.
I’ve read it. Nothing prescribes a foss philosophy outside of Linux itself. Or for that matter a dickhead attitude to those who don’t subscribe to one.
Linux doesnt stand for anything. Something being foss just means it’s accessible.
Suburbs really suck in this regard. I get a choice between a 15 minute bus that comes every 2-3 hours to get to my local train station or walk 1:30 minutes along the same road with zero footpath for the majority of the journey on a 70kmh road.
Well that’s just rude from Plex
Ham and cheese plain or buttered on a baguette is a French staple
Why? Is hetzner pro ☠️
I’m still a Fedora guy, started on Ubuntu years ago, tried arch (loved AUR) and all the Ubuntu derivatives but once I hit fedora it just stuck.
Shitbit is hilarious
It makes sense and is good from a technological standpoint, humans have always wanted to advance. But that means we must be even more politically active to save ourselves from exploitation in the future.
Lexicographically as well.