There was a band called Bananarama. This is suggesting ramabanana. Could also be a good band name.
There was a band called Bananarama. This is suggesting ramabanana. Could also be a good band name.
Is this your thing now? Very flattering to have a stalker.
If you try it, watch your shin on that ball hitch.
To boldly go where only one man has come before.
I’d rather not test that.
Waggin’ the genitalia.
This is what gym class feels like.
Sometimes it’s nice to be the only child.
The one on the left seems to have some enhancement but I’m no expert.
The most interesting meme in the world.
That’s mashugana. I would watch The Spidermans though.
If you haven’t replaced your Drake meme template with this one yet, you otter.
I don’t know if you saw the beans around here but we’re going to need more than 30 tablets. Lots more.
I thought the same but since your wife wasn’t here I had to research it myself.
Just another day at the Chestnut’s.
I guess they’re above a dartboard in a pub. Maybe I’ll look around.