His response to the 2018 Thai Cave rescue is what made me realize how big of a shit stain on society he is.
His response to the 2018 Thai Cave rescue is what made me realize how big of a shit stain on society he is.
At least they aren’t using Access???
This is the way. Just make sure to disable the YouTube app on your phone so links people send you don’t open in the app.
Easy. Get a bigger pot.
I legitimately use this line in one of my scripts because range.find returns an error of the value is not found. The use case is taking a 2d matrix saved as an array, with data collected from multiple excel tabs and rearranging it for a CSV upload into Salesforce. The initial array contains values that the rest of the data does not have, so when I search for a non existent value, I can skip the error.
Of course vba COULD just implement try/catch statements and that’d be so much cleaner, but alas.
I’m pretty sure they’d go to the next eligible person in line, which is the present pro tempore of the senate
What an amazing read. Thanks for sharing!
If someone is using meth in prison, the whole prison should be shut down.
No clue. I tried to Google the article but to no avail.
I remember reading an article a month or two ago about a guy ordering a bunch of precursor amphetamines from China, and the distributor was able to route them through Mexico. He called it “simple” to acquire.
It’s not the individual contributors writing the website that are making these decisions, it’s people in $1000 suits, sitting on the 44th floor of a Manhattan skyrise asking “how do we make red line go up?”.
And OnlyFans
For context for others, he said this to point a spotlight on the issue.
It’s not strictly privacy-focused but The Goblin’s Notebook is designed exactly for your use-case. It has markdown, object connections, every object has a player visible setting, so your players can access known content while you keep secrets hidden. There’s a free tier, a mid tier at $1.50 and an unlimited tier at $3 dollars a month (managed via their patreon).
My 2012 Impreza has 92k on it and I bet I can put another 100k on, easy.
Dear Rudy,
Go east about 500 miles. I guarantee you will find no communists there. And it’ll be a great place to set up your new life.
I also have been using podcast addict, probably for over 10 years now. You can autodownload new episodes (mine checks daily at 7a and 7p), create custom playlists for juggling multiple podcasts at once, has android auto support, and you don’t have to deal with the bs of Spotify.
I’m sure there are a 100 other features I don’t know about, but that’s what I use.
Not quite. Escabeche is a mixture of jalapenos, cauliflower, radishes, carrots, onions, garlic, all fried then pickled.
Yep. Smart tube on the TV, Firefox + ubo on phone and laptop.