I see what you’re saying, yeah
I see what you’re saying, yeah
I’m usually all about treating everyone as equally as possible, but I think if you’re talking about something specific to the “race” (say now, how black women’s hair has to be styled differently due to physical differences) then it’s acceptable to mention “race”
If you’re looking at some kind of demographic, it’s also all right to mention it. Idk if it’s true that conservative white dudes like gay/trans porn more than anyone else, but I think it’s ok to mention that. Especially since the consumption of gay/trans porn on it’s own isn’t necessarily a negative (unless there’s anything non-consential going on ir someone is underage). It’s more the hypocracy of it all that gets peeps riled up
(I hate the term “race” which is why I shoved it in between quotation marks)
I just need to comment how annoying this paragraph is:
“Unlike California, Texas, and Arizona — which have also been used as a testing ground for driverless cars — have passed laws holding companies who operate autonomous vehicles responsible for any driving infractions.”
Should be written: Texas and Arizona, unlike California, have passed laws holding companies who operate autonomous vehicles responsible for any driving infractions. All three states have been used as testing grounds for driverless cars."
Right? If it just went up a bit I wouldn’t have blinked an eye. Ads on something I (technically my dear husband) already pay for just pisses me off. It feels like they’re holding ad-free viewing hostage
Iirc, I was about 16 when Myspace was a thing. I’m gonna be 40 very soon
Agreed. Or a different line all together! I was trying to go with a justicey feel instead of just insults
I recommend that you try to improve the world with correction instead of (only) criticism. See something misspelled? Post the correct spelling! See some syllables that are off? Fix 'em so that others don’t get it wrong!
Ok, now I have to take a crack at it.
Jingle bells,
Donald Trump smells,
Pro-se-cute him all the way!
Oh, whata time
It is to live!
Let’s li-ti-gate all he has to say!
Can anyone else improve this?
Fair point
All right, fair. Maybe Taco Bell wasn’t the best test. I’ll keep that in mind for the next time
It was a year or two ago, I can’t recall. But probably something like Target
I know people say they there are studies, etc, but I agree with you. My husband and I both don’t like Taco Bell. There were zero searches for it, we never talked about it, etc. So we decided to test it. We started saying Taco Bell multiple times in different sentences.
Guess what suggested options popped up when we hit “T” into google or maps? Yup. Taco Bell
Even if I don’t agree with some of his choices, I strongly appreciate that he’s making decisions for himself. We need more free-thinkers, more people who are able to stand up with a differing opinion from their party. We need open discourse, not total compliance
I’ve always been a native English speaker, but my first 11 years of education weren’t in the U.S. I also don’t have an issue with: their, there, and they’re.
Affect and effect were tough for me, though. I still have to think about it for a moment
And slightly off topic, I still can’t tell the difference between pansexual and bisexual. Each time I feel like I have a decent internal definition someone comes along to inform me that I’ve got it wrong
I think this one’s my favorite so far!
AI doc: “Please enter your problem” Patient: “Well, I feel depressed because I saw on Facebook that my x-girlfriend has a new guy” AI doc: “Interesting. I advise you to spend more time on social media. Have you checked her insta yet?”
Oh, you’ve tasked AI with managing banking? K. All bank funds are suddenly corrupted. Oh, you’ve tasked AI with managing lights at traffic intersections? K, they’re all green now. Oh, you’ve tasked AI with filtering 911 calls to dispachers? K, all real emergencies are on hold until disconnected
I could go on and on and on…
You’re welcome. Now I should correct myself, and say “chomasomally” normal because that’s what those tests look for
You’re thinking of downsyndrome, trisomy …somenumber. You can test for chromosomal abnormalities, but people with autism are often genetically normal. Just like someone with ADHD.
She’s just “liberating” the items from the woke Target agenda
( /s in case you didn’t catch it)