None, because you’re too busy gasping desperately for air
None, because you’re too busy gasping desperately for air
Elon’s mommy is going to put a stop to it again
God dammit I came in here just to say that. I’m going to say the same thing about Marge Greene and Lauren Boebert but you probably already did that too ya jerk
God, how many “special” editions did Bugatti make of the Veyron? When everything is special, nothing is special.
Wonder what mental gymnastics the fanboys/chuds are doing to spin this into “yes, Mr. Musk you are so smart, please piss on me next”?
She’s pretty much going to be a figurehead/cannon fodder though, right?
I’ve heard a lot that it’s also something to do with KSA and MbS. Don’t forget, musk also kowtowed to Erdogan’s demands to censor twitter in Türkiye during the election in May
For the last eight years or so, my response to any invocation of Hanlon’s razor has always been, ¿por qué no los dos?
A conversation with Bobby Newport