- AppImageLauncher
- Freetube
- Ondsel
- Nextcloud
Onsdel is a fork of FreeCAD with UI improvements. Much better in my opinion. They actively contribute back to FreeCAD as well.
Yes! I thought it was just me. Any idea how to resolve?
People throw rumors around that Putin could have material for blackmail on him RE Golden Shower tapes and business dealings with Russian Oligarchs.
Another, simpler theory is that since he also throws compliments toward other Dictators as well as Putin is that he just admires their ability to do what they want.
The S-pen “works” with it but the button on the pen doesn’t work with the app. Hence it’s not ‘supported.’
You can’t hold the button for erase.
Saber doesn’t have S-pen support but you can save notes where you want (can even sync to Nextcloud).
I’ve been looking for this solution as well.
It came stock in crDroid 10.
For previous AOSP keyboards, someone has extracted the .apk and posts it on apkmirror
AOSP 14 works great and has swipe.
I actually found it two days ago. Seems to work really well. Thanks!
Is it open source?
I know this is posted here for the privacy aspect and that everything you post online is there forever and his past being revealed and all that.
BUT I’d like to just point out this is more about him not being comfortable and accepting of himself.
He didn’t kill himself for who he really is, he killed himself for others finding out who he really is.
This should be only a story about people trying to bring his past up to make him look bad (in their eyes). Not about suicide.
This seems kinda dumb to report on at the moment.
No actual journalism done to dig into this to see why. Maybe he just wanted the office, or maybe he’s being political and trying to piss of the dems.
Without additional information, we have no idea if this is a sign of something, or a big nothing burger.
I just assume everything. Any way you think they can monetize what they can see of yours, they do. And more that you can’t think of.
Ah that makes sense. I plan to run this thing 24/7
For the Wireguard app, when you go to select OpenVPN it says (deprecated).
In order to use PIA in the Wireguard app, don’t I have to select
OpenVPN (deprecated)
in the dropdown for VPN? I’m trying to avoid something that will be removed in the near future. Or am I reading that wrong?
I only really need it for the qbitorrent/transmission and prowlarr/jackett (haven’t decided yet) apps in TrueNAS
Is there something else you’re talking about?
In the settings to install wireguard, the dropdown in it says
OpenVPN (deprecated)
so I’m trying to avoid something that will be removed in the near future.