Or are they not man enough to hunt old school with a pike and 44?
Or are they not man enough to hunt old school with a pike and 44?
My thumb isn’t big enough to point it all out.
Metal sky birds?! Use a SAM
You’ve obviously never had a grouse, or are just a bad shot. lol
I hit my bag limit with a 22lr all the time.
Not disagreeing with that, but the topic at hand were alternatives to hunting with guns. I think bolt action rifles should be the only allowable gun for hunting.
Bows and crossbows exist.
Yes, but most HSAs let you invest in index funds so it becomes like another IRA.
*Only available in US markets
They’ll just add iodne, pluverize it, and sell it to people to shake on their fries.
No, the rats have to be poor. Rich rats would find a way to help him out.
I’ll buy their crypto with every counterfeit dollar I can find.
Ah yes, the CCM: “CEO Childcare Manager”
So you don’t like actually driving.
Office of Personnel Management, basically oversees all US Gov employees.