Librewolf on desktop Mull on Android
Librewolf on desktop Mull on Android
I just re-read the comment chain and saw it was mentioned before. Oops lol
Might be unbreakable, but all the attacker has to do is put money on it once and then just duplicate the card. You don’t need to beat the encryption. You just need to make the machine think the card is legit
I’d rather deal with a poorly designed bottle cap than half the shit we have to deal with here in the US. There’s a reason you’re getting down voted. What you said is so narrow sighted that it’s not even funny.
We have MUCH larger issues we have to deal with than a stupid bottle cap. “Glad I don’t have to deal with that here” is showing a willingness to ignore everything else.
Is THAT your litmus for freedom?! In some states women can’t choose to have an abortion. And in all of the states people have to choose between going to the doctor or paying rent that month… But goddamnit, at least they don’t have to deal with those pesky tethered bottle caps!
You’re joking, right? You realize the group of people you’re talking about, yea? This bot 110% would be used to further their agenda. Real discussion isn’t their goal and it never has been.
I mean it’s not quite THAT cut and dry… But I can agree with the sentiment
That’s what I’ve done for my last few phones. Aside from a battery issue that got replaced on a “recall” of sorts, my pixel 4XL has been running strong for years now. Haven’t bought a brand new phone for well over a decade now
What do you use in place of GApps? F-droid?
Also, what’s the flashing process like these days? Does it still wipe everything or is there a way to save all the personal stuff?
They also have a shit ton of guides on their website that show step by step how to make various repairs, and they are free.
IFixit aren’t the bad guys here
Bro you need to quit trying to justify the scammers work
Well you have to get the install files moved over to the sandboxed PC somehow. If it is infected and you plug in the USB drive or whatever that goes back and forth, you could spread the virus through it.
Just recently made the switch to Firefox. What settings do I need to change?
The downvotes are because people think you’re talking about her literal ass…
If you’re not, you might want to rethink the wording here
If you are … Well then may God have mercy on your soul.
I prefer to believe you meant it in the “I want to tell my best friend I love them without making it weird” kind of thing
They only grounded their max-9’s. The others are still in operation.
Even better… He’s from the past.
I think the issue is we’re still in pretty uncharted territory here. It’ll take time for stuff like that to become the norm. That said… The lawyers should be doing those kind of checks anyways. They’re idiots if they don’t.
Well shit… Thanks for the heads up!