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Spoken like someone who clearly doesn’t work in finance.
The numpad is essential for my work. You’re not seeing it from the perspective of myself who uses it as a calculator with automatic text entry while producing documents and estimations. That is my job, and it requires the numpad/calculator layout.
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Yeah, hasn’t stopped me in…15 years? Half my entire library is pirated and emulator shortcuts lol
I’ve installed cracked windows versions of games on the steam deck before, adding them as a non steam game, going to properties and setting them to boot with proton. I even installed a few this way by adding the installer exe as a non steam game and running that in desktop mode, under proton. It’s a hassle to find where it installed it after, but it worked for me anyhow
Why bring up PayPal again? They’ve had nothing to do with x.com since 2017 at the very least. Again, what the hell are you on about?
Sometimes we all post things that sound clever to begin with but looking back on it, maybe not. This could be one of those times for you I think.
Elon is still a dick regardless, but man
Um, what?
Elon Musk owns x.com, he launched it over twenty years ago. It split into what became PayPal, and then he bought it back.
“X.com was an online bank co-founded by Elon Musk, Harris Fricker, Christopher Payne, and Ed Ho in 1999 in Palo Alto, California.”
He bought the domain rights back in 2017.
Literally less than a minute on Google to find that, dude.
I mean, what if they live in Australia or South Africa? Not summer there. It’s winter.
Fucking terrible.
But enough talk!!! Have at you!
Yeah but what if it’s through CCTV though
What then? What then?!
Yeah fuck the watery pre-ejaculate that’s the Heinz sauce.
Branstons is the real deal, on toast, with grated mature cheddar on top, lightly grilled.
Ha, yeah. I work from home, and when I’m out the last thing I want to do is look at my phone.
So I watch films at home. I paid for a high end home cinema set up, I’m gonna make the most of it. Otherwise it’s just a waste.
This may change as I’m having to downscale a bit for my new apartment…but yeah, 200mb still won’t be enough.
Not on my 65" 8k OLED they aren’t! You can absolutely tell the difference.
Smaller/low res screens though, sure.
I used to always buy physical pc games and then redeem the codes on steam! This was back when I ran a gaming store for a couple of years. Got Fallout New Vegas and Portal 2 cheaper than on steam this way, and with staff discount on top too
Still have the boxes and dvds! I miss the old big box monkey island era tho, dial a pirate lol
I have a few. And I’m not even that old (mid thirties)
People who talk on phone calls using airpods or similar look ridiculous in public, like they’re utter lunatics talking to themselves or their imaginary friend.
people who view life through their mobile phones are unfortunate and sad. Like…why pay money to go see a gig if you’re going to view it through your phone screen? I went to a wedding last week and I was one of the very few who was actually watching the procession with my own eyes rather through a camera app.
Not being on social media should be an accepted norm, not a fucking exception. This is an issue when dating, unbelievably.
That would be incredible