getting rid of humans for most jobs is a good idea
as long as we have universal basic income and basically fully automated gay luxury space communism
getting rid of humans for most jobs is a good idea
as long as we have universal basic income and basically fully automated gay luxury space communism
this is a reminder that EVs are here to save the car industry, not our lives.
wish they’d invest in public transport.
We’ve been having a great time with Diablo 3. Also, all borderlands are great fun, we’ve enjoyed BL3 a lot.
Other than that, Trackmania is always fun and Vampire Survivors is a blast. Gangbeasts is hilariously frustrating and Battleblock Theater is quite fun if you’re into sidescrollers.
this is the reason i haven’t bought overcooked on my xbox despite us playing a ton of coop games together
we cook together well enough (i chop he stir) but screw that noise
can i just draw an ID in crayon and send in a selfie of me wearing my sick shades and an N95 mask?
can i just draw an ID in crayon and send in a selfie of me wearing my sick shades and an N95 mask?
what is this vegan propaganda, implying that a food animal such as the pig has any sort of feeling or emotion
i just have a memory foam pillow: always feels good and no animals get hurt making it
same on Memmy for me
you have a point, those are equally disgusting
if you hand me my glasses like that i’m going to cry
and if you touch my guitar like that you’re going to die
or not so secretly, seeing as i literally live a stone’s throw from a scandinavian border
that almost sounds like… anticapitalist propaganda! Can’t have that! Back to your cubicle, worker #33458!
i’m gonna go one further:
i think everybody should be allowed to live a decent enough life, whether they can work or not.
i like exponential growth let’s go
sure looked pretty all shattered tho