The proper spelling is “Benedict Cumberbatch”
The proper spelling is “Benedict Cumberbatch”
No, the Switch was released in 2017.
Well, other people would know that. He himself would know that it was “those people” that fucked him over, and not he himself.
Don’t let the garbage sit until it rots. It will attract flies and possible more garbage.
Where do you live that you are being governed by the Insane Clown Posse?
I can’t parse the title of that post. Is there a word missing? Without the parenthesis the title is “If you have DeckHD will now be officially supported”. That does not make sense.
That could be a great learning experience. If it’s an important document not only do I save regularily, I also create copies of the file at regular intervals.
It is also getting increasingly annoying nagging screens for Windows 11
I already use Windows Update Blocker to disable automatic updates of Windows. So Windows 10 going EOL won’t change much for me.
I will just wait for Windows 12. The old rule that every other version of Windows sucks still holds up to this day.
Writing about him is also offensive. You should edit your comment to remove his name.
PS: Don’t actually do that, I was just trying to make a point.
Windows 10 is the last version of Windows (that I am going to use)
Have you tried
Enshittification marches on
On the one hand this is a bad that this happened to you, because the reasoning is completely idiotic.
On the other hand it can be a learning lesson that it’s better to write your birthday as April 20th, and never as 4/20.
PS: Please name that company publicly. Maybe write a short mail to a website about tech news, like https://arstechnica.com or https://www.wired.com. You could also try the blog https://boingboing.net
Good video, but the text in the OP is terrible
I never had a jpeg stolen from me.
What a time to be alive.
Sometimes it’s a hit, and sometimes it’s a miss.
Why would you post that?