I recommend Affinity publisher. Purchase once, no subscriptions.
I recommend Affinity publisher. Purchase once, no subscriptions.
Ah, haven’t used that in a long while. I’ll add that to the list to peddle to my mates as well. Thank you!
Not very promising. What a shame.
It’s been a number of years since I used it while playing Eve Online, but say it isn’t so! I’m going to check now!
Edit: Still exists!
Time to introduce my friends to the glory of TeamSpeak!
The 5 star reviews are whack
And it’s so annoying! Bring back forums!
Nope. Brother in law is upgrading all the family PCs (a total of 3) so he can carry on with 11. Only nerds like everyone here and myself will switch to Linux because we know upgrading your PC just to support the OS is ridiculous.
Hang on. Where I’m Australia have cops been called on kids walking around the neighbourhood? The kids around my neighbourhood go around on their bicycles, skateboard and play in the parks. A few of them graffiti and others put up ads to walk dogs for a fee.
That said, this law is dumb. Australia is so hostile to the tech industry.
People do - through tax but the rich divert the funds through policy using laws that they’ve shaped to benefit themselves rather than the nation.
Honestly, if anyone has a chance of murdering the rich and setting a precedent of self defence over social murder, it’s another rich who can afford an excellent lawyer to see out the lengthy court case.
I will encourage him to do just that. Looks like we’ll have some PCs coming our way.
Don’t know whether to be smug or condescending. Guess I’ll be both.
And it’s worked on my brother in law who’s announced he’s buying new PCs for the whole family specifically to upgrade to 11. jFC.
Why not, though? What’s stopping anything from being implemented?
Have you read Project 2025? Your country will literally have a government that can implement all of this without resistance. If a group of people had enough fervour to write such a document, do you honestly think that with all this power they wouldn’t implement anything from it?
On top of that, while the US pulls into itself and has a less global presence, it’s going to affect the global economy very negatively as the balance of power shifts. With DT at the helm, the balance of power will tip towards China being the next biggest economy.
Anyway, you may not notice a big change unless you’re wealthy. Under DT, the poor stay poor but the rich get richer.
Ignorance is strength
If that’s the case, then people with the new brains should have their sex organs harvested.
And who will decide what is good and bad behaviour? Hmm? And what advantage will society as a whole get from this?
Recently switched to Waterfox from Firefox and loving it. Much faster than the latter and I can use all of my add ons.
Haven’t used Chrome in years so they can suck it.