You send it back or get charged.
You send it back or get charged.
Comfy and I couldn’t give a shit what you think. You should smell less I don’t have the issue.
I can’t wait for one of your fediverse tankie friends to get called out. Anyone saying good is clearly ignorant of the law and how insane it would be to allow liability to be laid in such a way.
God damnit this shit is a waste of time.
Better camera, better battery life, better screen, latest versions of GA with the most up to date features (eg sleep data). The jump from 60 to 90 or 120 is a huge quality of life improvement.
And you think forcing everyone to have removable batteries is going to stop that? It’s never been about cost. It’s about having the latest features.
You are just including the cost of the battery. That’s completely unrelated. You are all acting like there is this huge barrier to getting an inexpensive replacement.
Of fucking course I’m not including the battery. It an independent unrelated variable.
The cost to have the battery replaced is $10-15 dollars. You are grasping at straws here my man.
You might try to not be an asshole to them and invite them in. You’d probably be able to get them more on biased with solar. But then you’d have to give up the opportunity to be a snarky troll.
It works be a bit more convincing is you didn’t use a 30 year old issue in an unrelated field. Comparing 90s OS market to the gaming market might win most absurd comparison of the day.
Bullshit. Gimme a general location and I’ll find a local shop to replace batteries for far less than $60.
I’ve known lots of iPhone users who have failing batteries and they just suffer through an unreliable phone until they have money for a replacement
So you know idiots? If they are dumb enough to 'save for a replacement ’ while a cheap repair is available what makes you think they are going to take the time to figure out there batteries? You’re pissed off with lazy wasteful people, not batteries.
They don’t need to be replaced. They need 30 minutes of handy work that cost $10 if you can’t do it yourself.
Imagine thinking for even a second in one of the most competitive industries on the planet. That Microsoft is the monopoly threat 🤣.
Of fucking course you pay for the battery how is that a factor in the least bit? Gimme a general location and I’ll find a shop for you.
I love these strawmen where people are buying iphones and don’t have access to a repair shop. If that’s a reality, you are on the slim minority.
Imagine believing you’ll be immune from reactions to stupid comments if this place is successful 🤣
Lolololol is hard to take anytime seriously when they argue dumb strawmen like that 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Remote!!! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Do I carry the remote around in my pockets all day? Jesus Christ lol, if the answer to that is yes then I wouldn’t mind at all trading off one minor inconvenience every 3 years for a better form factor. And being small isn’t an beauty thing. It’s more god damned practical.
Nah I’d rather call you twats. You people are always so triggered by the fedora. Git out 🤣🤣🤣🤣
Big old helping of copium in this thread
Or they replaced it at a shop for $10. But yeah, I can’t wait for shitty phones nectar you fuckers are too anti social to leave your hobbit holes.
Yeah a free TV but it has ads. The fucking humanity. Imagine being so privileged you can’t see the value in this.