Didn’t they say climate change was a hoax or was that just for their brain dead cult followers? Amazing how easily they are manipulated. It’s like Republicans captured all the media then spewed shit to dominate them, but hey, it works magnificently.
Didn’t they say climate change was a hoax or was that just for their brain dead cult followers? Amazing how easily they are manipulated. It’s like Republicans captured all the media then spewed shit to dominate them, but hey, it works magnificently.
Hold off. Kraznov is getting so much shit he is going to walk it back, so he says. Can’t trust him any more than a rabid bat though.
Silly, he get big balls to conjure up million dollar bitcoins from thin air to replace dollars. Plus they will all be purchased with low and middle income American taxpayers dollars.
Jabba-the-Orange is planning on acquiring Greenland by invasion. They have already dusted off the draft and notification of the next-of-kin plans
Hey, when you’re rich you can grab them by the balls.
Might as well put Hitler there beside him.
When Musk controls the western world, Putin will invite him to the 23 floor for a cup of tea.
You can bet western countries already have troops and advisors helping in Ukraine.
That’s why they demand those “other” women be baby factories.
There are people who are still in congress who had polio.
infidel /ĭn′fĭ-dəl, -dĕl″/ noun
Instead Americans handed the country over to a felon, rapist, liar, infidel and pedophile.
Just wait until the leopards start eating their faces. Act surprised.
Remember his lame NFTs with him as a tough, strong man? Reality.
You mean this dossier?
Yo, you think Republicans aren’t listening and taking notes? In fact they WOULD encourage sexual assaults. at work and everywhere else - gotta produce babies. It’s how they roll.
Toxic black mold is a greenish-black gelatinous mold. It is not really black. Mold is not healthy and some people have severe negative reactions to regular black molds though.
So, nothing new on the right wing scene - up is down, right is wrong - “Gray had threatened a mass shooting, posting an image of a family holding signs showing support for their trans daughter, and writing, “I need to put an end to that. … im on the edge of a lgbtq massacre.””
And the chuds will eat it up.
Really feel sorry for the orange cult folks. They are incredibly ignorant and gullible to the point of being their own worst enemy. Demons will gather up their souls one day because nothing else tolerates such filth.
I stopped buying on Amazon Jan 20. I will cancel Amazon Prime today. Many people will also stop buying and many people will cancel Prime. When they stop buying for a week, they tend to find alternatives that they stick with. I was buying several hundred dollars worth of merch but have found better alternatives. I will not go back. Seven days is just a start. Amazon is noticing.