My fave guy on LinkedIn! Very obviously a joke, but still very funny
My fave guy on LinkedIn! Very obviously a joke, but still very funny
Was it slaves? I am not seeing any references to slaves building the original bridge online anywhere, where did you see that? :o
It’s London mate, twice a day rubbish pickup on my street and the fuckin place is still full of rats. Still, cheap protein in a pot noodle innit! Some of those fuckers are bigger than cats, fearsome bastards.
I’m fortunate that the bins on my street are collected twice-daily. The trade-off is that the bins lorries have LED sides. Lights up my entire bedroom when they pull up. I’m also opposite a pub, so every Wednesday morning starting around 7 it’s non-stop clanging from barrel deliveries. I live above two shopfronts, so every morning through midnight is bullshit noises. I live under a lamppost, so the council putting up Christmas lights means a cherry picker staring through my windows. I’m just bitching, but the LED buses and lorries are fuckin wild.
True; that freaky little crypto goblin has his fingers in every scam pie. I’ve heard he smells weird.
It’s just to get investor money in the coffers, nothing more. Still won’t buy anything that markets itself like that because I think it’s cynical, but they’re just lying to investors so it’s not the end of the world 🤷♂️ gotta cram those buzzwords!!! Cloud wine! This wine was made on the Blockchain! Check out our unique Web3 Wine - Wine3! NFTea! Scam industry lol
American politics absolutely dominate the fediverse, it’s crazy
Oh! I assumed it was something to do with the city of Ur, being some sort of analogy for the root of civilisation or something
Let me give you a tip for free coffees the easy way:
I’m a smoker, and after each drag I spit straight into a plastic cup that I carry around with me. I usually fill my cup up in about fourteen days (I like a medium too!) which means that if I start on a Monday with my pre-work cigarette, I’ll have a medium drink ready to go by lunchtime a week on Friday! The tobacco colours my spit brown, and the residual nicotine in the saliva actually gives me a kick (I can feel it in my heart and brain). It’s free, and it’s healthy because you’re spitting out all the really unhealthy stuff in cigarettes! I hope this helps, good luck!
I think what OP was pointing out was the severity of the fight, and the way that it has illustrated fundamentally different expectations of this new relationship so soon – not just that there has been a fight within the first year because you’re right, disagreements are normal and usually healthy.
There certainly is misogyny in that joke, but it’s very clear you’re doing this on purpose.
Misogyny aside for a second - what car gives you a smile when you “use” it?
Wait, people really thought web frameworks would replace Devs? Which frameworks? 😂
More crutches is definitely a problem. Personally, after vocally refusing to use chatgpt for months, my boss has now sat me down and told me to use it because it “halves his development time”.
My colleague and boss use it constantly. Guess whose job has become mostly debugging their code when they can’t get it to work and don’t know why?
I always figured this was for health and safety reasons
Oh! Oh that’s so fucked up
My boss, an actual person who has a wife and child and is an adult, still believes Elon engineers the SpaceX rockets.
Don’t know if that’s relevant or interesting but I just got home from work and it’s on my mind.
I’ve got your ICP registration info right here baby WOOP WOOP
I’m motivated to get this AI bullshit out of here